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View SNMP Traps on CA NSM

Consider the example where an alert is scheduled to run the Configuration Change Detail query. In this example, the Custom Trap ID is set to Nine fields are sent as an SNMP trap.

Fields for Configuration Change Detail include event_severity, event_datetime, dest_username, source_username, dest_hostname, event_logname, event_category, event_action, and event_result.

To view the SNMP trap sent by an Alert based on the Configuration Change Detail query

  1. When a self monitoring event indicates that an SNMP trap has been successfully sent to CA NSM, access the EM Console on CA NSM.
  2. Wait until a log message appears that indicates receipt of an SNMP trap. The message for this trap contains the custom trap ID,

    A CA NSM message displayed in the EM console.

  3. Double-click this message to bring up the message in a format you can copy.

    The full message is displayed in the EM Console Message window's Message tab in an editable format you can copy.

  4. Copy the message and paste it into a temporary text file.

    The results resemble the following:

    %CATD_I_060, SNMPTRAP: -u auth user 791 6 63 0:05:00 12 

    Specifies that the following data is received as an SNMP trap.

    OID: system.sysUpTime.0 VALUE: (30000) 0:05:00.00 

    Specifies the object ID for uptime in hundredths of a second. This is a known OID through SNMP.

    OID: VALUE: 

    Specifies the object ID for the snmpTrapOID. The value is the custom trap ID you specified when configuring the alert.

    OID: VALUE: 2 

    Specifies the OID for event_severity and the severity value of 2, which stands for Informational.

    OID: VALUE: Fri Nov 06 2009 10:53:53 PM 

    Specifies the OID for event_datetime with the value, the day, date and time when the event with these values occurred.

    OID: VALUE: 

    Specifies the object ID for dest_username with no value.

    OID: VALUE: 

    Specifies the object ID for source_username with no value.

    OID: VALUE: etr851l2-elm5 

    Specifies the object ID for dest_hostname with the hostname of the server where the query results are displayed when you launch the URL.

    OID: VALUE: EiamSdk 

    Specifies the object ID for event_logname, EiamSdk, the name of the log file that contains these details.

    OID: VALUE: Configuration Management 

    Specifies the object ID for event_category and the value for Category associated with the Configuration Change Detail query.

    OID: VALUE: Configuration Change 

    Specifies the object ID for event_action and the value for Action associated with the Configuration Change Detail query.

    OID: VALUE: S 

    Specifies the object ID for event_result with the value, S, for Success.

    OID: VALUE: https://etr6511l1-sun104:5250/spin/calmapi/getObject.csp?type=getQueryViewer&objectId=Subscription/panels/Configuration_Change_Detail&params=%3cParams%3e%3cParam%20id=%22ARG_stop%22%20val=%221257528379%2c%27unixepoch%27%22/%3e%3cParam%20id=%22ARG_start%22%20val=%221257528079%2c%27unixepoch%27%22/%3e%3cParam%20id=%22ARG_localtimezone%22%20val=%22Asia/Calcutta%22/%3e%3c/Params%3e

    Specifies the object ID for calmAPIURL under elmDynamicVariables. The value is the URL to the CA User Activity Reporting Module API. After logging in, you can see the query results in the chart or graphic view.

  5. Copy the URL at the end of the message, paste it into a browser, and launch the URL.
  6. Log on to the CA User Activity Reporting Module API.

    The Configuration Change Detail chart view displays. See the following example:

    Configuration Change Detail Results are displayed.