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Options for Upgrading a Policy Store

Two paths exist for upgrading an r6.x policy store to r12.0 SP3. You can:

This guide details the steps for upgrading an existing policy and key store.

If you want to create an r12.0 SP3 policy and key store:

  1. Export the policy and key store data using the correct version of smobjexport.

    Note: For more information about the r6.x version of smobjimport, see the Policy Server Installation Guide for r6.x.

  2. Create an r12.0 SP3 policy and key store.

    Note: For more information about creating an r12.0 SP3 policy and key store, see the Policy Server Installation Guide.

  3. Import the policy and key store data into the r12.0 SP3 policy and key store using the r12.0 SP3 version of smobjimport.

    Note: For more information about the r12.0 SP3 version of smobjimport, see the Policy Server Administration Guide.

Options for Upgrading a Key Store

Two paths exist for upgrading an r6.x key store to r12.0 SP3. You can:

This guide details the steps for upgrading an existing policy and key store.

If you want to create a stand–alone r12.0 SP3 key store:

  1. Use the r6.x version of smobjexport to export only the agent keys that are stored in the policy store.

    Note: For more information, see the r6.x Policy Server Installation Guide.

  2. Create an r12.0 SP3 key store using the default policy store schema.

    Note: For more information, see the Policy Server Installation Guide.

  3. Use the r12.0 SP3 version of smobjimport to import the agent keys in to the r12.0 SP3 key store.

    Note: For more information, see the Policy Server Administration Guide.

  4. Use the Policy Server Management Console to point the Policy Server to the stand–alone key store.

    Note: For more information, see the Policy Server Management Console Help.