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Miscellaneous Web Server Preparations

The following sections discuss installation preparations for various web servers.

Verify Presence of a Logs Subdirectory with Permissions for Apache-based Web Agents

For SiteMinder Agents for Apache-based web servers (including IBM HTTP Server), a logs subdirectory must exist under the root directory of the Apache-based web server. This subdirectory needs Read and Write permissions for the user identity under which the Apache child process runs.

If the logs subdirectory does not exist, create it with the required permissions.

Note: This configuration requirement applies to any Apache-based web server that writes log files outside the Apache root directory.

Enable Write Permissions for IBM HTTP Server Logs

If you install the SiteMinder Agent on an IBM HTTP Server, this web server gets installed as root and its subdirectories do not give all users in all groups Write permissions.

For the Low Level Agent Worker Process (LLAWP) to write agent initialization messages to the web server logs, the user running the web server needs permission to write to the web server’s log directory. Ensure that you allow write permissions for this user.