Previous Topic: Oracle Internet Directory as a Policy StoreNext Topic: Point the Policy Server to the Directory Server

How to Configure the Policy Server

To configure OID as a policy store, complete the following procedures:

  1. Configure a domain in Oracle Internet Directory.
  2. Point the Policy Server to the directory server.
  3. Create the policy store schema.
  4. Set the SiteMinder super user password.

    Note: You do not have to complete this procedure if you already have a SiteMinder super user password.

  5. Import the default policy store objects.
  6. Import the policy store data definitions.
  7. Restart the Policy Server.
  8. Prepare for the Administrative UI registration.
Configure a Domain in Oracle Internet Directory

To configure an OID as a policy store, first create a domain in OID.

To configure a domain in Oracle Internet Directory

  1. Open Oracle Data Manager (ODM).
  2. Right-click Entry Management, and select Create.

    The Distinguished Name dialog opens.

  3. Enter dc=dcbok for the Distinguished Name value.
  4. Enter dc for the dc value.
  5. Create an organizational unit.
  6. Select an organizational unit.
  7. Enter ou=bok,dc=dcbok for the Distinguished Name value.
  8. Enter bok for the ou value.

    The OID domain is configured.