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Extend the Siemens DirX Policy Store Schema

You can extend an existing 6.x policy store schema to include the objects introduced by r12.0 SP3. There are no changes to the existing 6.x policy store schema.

Follow these steps:

  1. Update the base tree structure using the DirXmanage tool. Under ou=PolicySvr4, create ou=XPS.
  2. Copy the following files from siteminder_home\xps\db\tier2\dirx

    to DirX_install_path\scripts\security\Netegrity\SiteMinder:


    Specifies the Policy Server installation path.


    Specifies the DirX installation path.

    Example: C:\program files\siemens\dirx

  3. Copy dirxabbr-ext.XPS to DirX_install_path\client\conf.
  4. Stop and restart the DirX service.
  5. Edit GlobalVar.tcl to update the global variables that the DirX scripts reference.

    Default values:

  6. Run setup.bat, and check the resulting log file, setup.log, for errors.
  7. Rebind to the DSA using the DirXmanage tool.

    Note: Watch for errors.

The policy store schema is extended to include the objects introduced by r12.0 SP3.