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Configure a DB2 Data Source for SiteMinder

If you are using ODBC, you need to configure a data source for the DB2 wire protocol driver.

Create a DB2 Data Source on Windows Systems

When using ODBC, you can create a DB2 data source for the DB2 wire protocol driver.

Follow these steps:

  1. Complete one of the following steps:

    The ODBC Data Source Administrator appears.

  2. Click the System DSN tab and click Add.
  3. Scroll down and select SiteMinder DB2 Wire Protocol and click Finish.
  4. In the ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol Driver Setup dialog, under the General tab, complete the following steps:
    1. In the Data Source Name field, enter any name.


      SiteMinder DB2 Wire Data Source
    2. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the DB2 wire protocol data source.
    3. In the IP Address field, enter the IP Address where the DB2 database is installed.
    4. In the Tcp Port field, enter the port number where DB2 is listening on the system.
    5. Click Test Connect.

      The connection is tested.

  5. Click OK.

    The ODBC DB2 Wire Protocol Driver Setup dialog closes, the selections are saved, and the DB2 data source is created on a Windows System.

Note: You can now configure SiteMinder to use the data source that you created.

Create a DB2 Data Source on UNIX Systems

The SiteMinder ODBC data sources are configured using a system_odbc.ini file, which you can create by renaming db2wire.ini, located in policy_server_home/db, to system_odbc.ini. This system_odbc.ini file contains all of the names of the available ODBC data sources as well as the attributes that are associated with these data sources. This file must be customized to work for each site. Also, you can add additional data sources to this file, such as defining additional ODBC user directories for SiteMinder.

The first section of the system_odbc.ini file, [ODBC Data Sources], contains a list of all of the currently available data sources. The name before the “=” refers to a subsequent section of the file describing each individual data source. After the “=” is a comment field.

Each data source has a section in the system_odbc.ini file describing its attributes. The first attribute is the ODBC driver to be loaded when this data source is used by SiteMinder. The remaining attributes are specific to the driver.

Adding a DB2 Data source involves adding a new data source name in the [ODBC Data Sources] section of the file, and adding a section that describes the data source using the same name as the data source. You need to change the system_odbc.ini file if you create a new service name or want to use a different driver. You should have entries for the DB2 driver under [SiteMinder Data Source].

Again, to configure a DB2 data source, you must first create a system_odbc.ini file in the policy_server_home/db directory. To do this, you need to rename db2wire.ini, located in policy_server_home/db, to system_odbc.ini.

Note: policy_server_home specifies the Policy Server installation path.

Configure the DB2 Wire Protocol Driver

The following table contains configuration parameters for DB2 data sources. You can edit these parameters to configure data sources for separate key, audit log, session, and sample users databases.



How to Edit

Data Source Name

Name of the data source.

Enter the data source name inside the square brackets.


Full path to the SiteMinder DB2 Wire Protocol driver.

Replace “nete_ps_root” with the SiteMinder installation directory.


Description of the data source.

Enter any desired description.


Name of the DB2 UDB database.

Replace “nete_database” with the name of the database configured on the DB2 UDB server.


Username required for accessing the database.

Replace “uid” with the username of the DB2 UDB administrator.


Password required for accessing the database.

Replace “pwd” with the password of the DB2 UDB administrator.


IP address or hostname of the DB2 UDB server.

Replace “nete_server_ip” with the IP address or the hostname of the DB2 UDB server.


TCP port number of the DB2 UDB server.

Replace the default value of 50000 with the actual TCP port number of the DB2 UDB server.


The name of the package to process dynamic SQL.

Replace “nete_package” with the name of the package you want to create.


(Optional) The AuthID assigned to the package.

Empty by default. This DB2 AuthID must have authority to execute all SQLs in the package.


The AuthID granted execute privileges for the package.

“PUBLIC” by default. Specify the desired AuthID if you wish to restrict the execute privileges for the package.


Specifies whether to grant execute privileges to the AuthID listed in GrantAuthid.

Can be either 1 or 0. Set to 0 by default.


The method by which locks are acquired and released by the system.



The number of statements that the DB2 Wire Protocol driver package can prepare for a single user.

100 by default. Enter the desired number of statements.

Point the Policy Server to the Database

You point the Policy Server to the database so the Policy Server can access the SiteMinder data in the policy store.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Policy Server Management Console and click the Data tab.
  2. Select the following value from the Storage list:
  3. Select the following value from the Database list:
    Policy Store
  4. Enter the name of the data source in the Data Source Information field.
  5. Enter and confirm the user name and password of the database account that has full access rights to the database instance in the respective fields.
  6. Specify the maximum number of database connections that are allocated to SiteMinder.

    Note: We recommend retaining the 25 connection default for best performance.

  7. Click Apply to save the settings.
  8. Select the following value from the Database list:
    Key Store
  9. Select the following value from the Storage list:
  10. Select the following option:
    Use the Policy Store database
  11. Select the following value from the Database list:
    Audit Logs
  12. Select the following value from the Storage list:
  13. Select the following option:
    Use the Policy Store database
  14. Click Apply to save the settings.
  15. Click Test Connection to verify that the Policy Server can access the policy store.
  16. Click OK.

    The Policy Server is configured to use the database as a policy store, key store, and logging database.