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Java API Overview

This section contains the following topics:

Purpose of the Java APIs

Installation Path

Code Samples

Policy Server Prerequisite

Java Components of the SiteMinder SDK

Java Agent API

Policy Management API

Authentication API

Authorization API

Delegated Management Services API

Utilities Package

How Java Components Fit Together

Network Architecture

Java API Flow

Log Trace Information

Javadoc Reference

Support for Custom Code

Purpose of the Java APIs

The SiteMinder SDK provides Java APIs for performing the following tasks:

Installation Path

The Java APIs, documentation, and samples are installed to the following location:

<install_path> refers to the installation path where you installed the SDK software.

Code Samples

The SiteMinder SDK includes tested samples of SiteMinder client applications. The source files for these samples are located as follows:

Notes on the Java samples:

Policy Server Prerequisite

You must have the SiteMinder Policy Server to run the applications and Policy Server plug-ins that you develop with the SiteMinder SDK.However, in most cases, you do not use the Policy Server to build those applications and plug-ins. The application runtime files can either be local or remote to the Policy Server.

Java Components of the SiteMinder SDK

The Java components of the SiteMinder SDK are listed in the following table:

API Name:

Package Name

Primary Interfaces and Classes

Java Agent API:



Policy Management API:


SmPolicyApi, implemented by SmPolicyApiImpl

Authentication and Authorization APIs


    (Authentication API)

    (Authorization API)

Delegated Management Services API:


SmDmsApi, implemented by SmDmsApiImpl

Utilities package:


