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Upgrade a DirX EE 2.0 Policy Store from 6.x to r12.0 SP3

To upgrade a Siemens DirX EE 2.0 Directory Server from a 6.x policy store to a r12.0 SP3 policy store, create the XPS schema in the policy store.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the DirX EE Manager and update the base tree structure. Under ou=PolicySvr4, create ou=XPS.
  2. Log in to the Policy Server host system.
  3. Copy the following file from siteminder_home\db\tier2\SiemensDirXEE20 to DirX_EE_install_path\scripts\stand_alone\extensions:



    Specifies the Policy Server installation path.


    Specifies the DirX EE installation path.

  4. Copy the following files from siteminder_home\xps\db\tier2\dirxee20 to DirX_EE_install_path\scripts\stand_alone\extensions:
  5. From the command prompt on the directory server host system, change to the following directory:


  6. Run the following command:

    dirxadm add_PS_Indexes.adm

  7. Run the following command:

    dirxmodify -f XPS_SchemaExt.ldif -D cn=admin,o=MyCompany -w dirx


    Specifies the name of the LDIF file.


    Specifies the bind DN.

    Example: cn=admin,o=MyCompany


    Specifies the password.

    Example: dirx


    (Optional) Specifies the host.

    Default: localhost


    (Optional) Specifies the port number.

    Default: 389

  8. Run the following command:

    dirxadm add_XPS_Indexes.adm

The XPS schema is created. You can now import the policy store data definitions.