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How to Configure a SiteMinder Web Agent to Protect Microsoft Outlook Web Access

To have a SiteMinder Web Agent protect a Microsoft Outlook Web Access web site, use the following process:

Note: See the SiteMinder r12.0 SP3 Product Support Matrix at to determine which versions of this component are supported.

  1. Install or configure the following prerequisites:
    1. Microsoft Exchange Server.
    2. Microsoft Web Access Client software configured for IIS 6.0

      Note: The Microsoft Exchage Server and Web Access Client components can be installed on the same system, or on separate systems. Only one Web Agent is required if both are installed on the same system. If the components are installed on different systems, then two Web Agents are used. When different systems are used, the Exchange Server acts as a back-end system, while the Web Access Client acts as a front-end system.

    3. A SiteMinder Policy Server with the following:
      • A Microsoft Active Directory used for a policy-store and user-directory.
      • A SQL Server database instance used for a session server.
      • Persistent sessions enabled for the realms (r6.x) or applications (r12.0 SP3) associated with the Microsoft Outlook Web Access resources you want to protect.
  2. Perform the following steps on the IIS web server that hosts your Microsoft Exchange Server:
    1. Confirm the SiteMinder ISAPI filter appears first in the list.
    2. Allow IIS to Execute the Outlook Extensions.
    3. Set the Default Web Site Home directory location and Execute Permission settings.
    4. Add the ISAPI extension to Exchange Web Site.
    5. Set Directory Security for Exchange Web Site.
    6. Set the ISAPI Extension for Exchweb Virtual Site.
    7. Set the Directory Security for Exchweb Virtual Site.
    8. Set the Owa Web Site Home directory location and Execute Permission settings.
  3. Repeat Steps 2a through 2g on the IIS web server that hosts your Microsoft Outlook Web Access Client.
  4. Confirm that SiteMinder is protecting the Outlook Web Access web site.