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GetAuthScheme Method—Retrieves Authentication Scheme Object

The GetAuthScheme method retrieves the specified authentication scheme object. Existing authentication schemes are specified by name. To create a new authentication scheme, use this method to retrieve the type of authentication scheme object or template upon which you want the new scheme to be based. Then, pass the resulting object to the PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateAuthScheme method in the schemeTemplate parameter. For information about creating a SAML 2.0 authentication scheme, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateSAMLAuthScheme.


The GetAuthScheme method has the following format:



The GetAuthScheme method accepts the following parameter:

schemeName (string)

Specifies one of the following:

Return Value

The GetAuthScheme method returns one of the following values:

GetCertMap Method—Retrieves Certificate Mapping Object

The GetCertMap method retrieves the certificate mapping object specified by the certificate issuer's DN.


The GetCertMap method has the following format:



The GetCertMap method accepts the following parameter:

issuerDN (string)

Specifies the certificate issuer's DN.

Return Value

The GetCertMap method returns one of the following values:

GetDomain Method—Retrieves Domain Object

The GetDomain method retrieves the specified policy domain object.


The GetDomain method has the following format:



The GetDomain method accepts the following parameter:

domName (string)

Specifies the name of the domain to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetDomain method returns one of the following values:

GetGlobalPolicy Method—Retrieves Global Policy Object

The GetGlobalPolicy method retrieves the specified global policy object.


The GetGlobalPolicy method has the following format:



The GetGlobalPolicy method accepts the following parameter:

policyName (string)

Specifies the name of the global policy to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetGlobalPolicy method returns one of the following values:

GetGlobalResponse Method—Retrieves Global Response Object

The GetGlobalResponse method retrieves the specified global response object.


The GetGlobalResponse method has the following format:



The GetGlobalResponse method accepts the following parameter:

responseName (string)

Specifies the name of the global response to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetGlobalResponse method returns one of the following values:

GetGlobalRule Method—Retrieves Global Rule Object

The GetGlobalRule method retrieves the specified global rule object.


The GetGlobalRule method has the following format:



The GetGlobalRule method accepts the following parameter:

ruleName (string)

Specifies the name of the global rule to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetGlobalRule method returns one of the following values:

GetHostConfig Method—Retrieves Host Configuration Object

The GetHostConfig method retrieves the specified host configuration object.


The GetHostConfig method has the following format:



The GetHostConfig method accepts the following parameter:

hcName (string)

Specifies the name of the host configuration object to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetHostConfig method returns one of the following values:

GetODBCQueryScheme Method—Retrieves ODBC Query Scheme Object

The GetODBCQueryScheme method retrieves the specified ODBC query scheme object.


The GetODBCQueryScheme method has the following format:



The GetODBCQueryScheme method accepts the following parameter:

schemeName (string)

Specifies the ODBC query scheme to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetODBCQueryScheme method returns one of the following values:

GetPwdPolicy Method—Retrieves Password Policy Object

The GetPwdPolicy method retrieves the specified password policy object.


The GetPwdPolicy method has the following format:



The GetPwdPolicy method accepts the following parameter:

pwdPolicyName (string)

Specifies the name of the password policy to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetPwdPolicy method returns one of the following values:

GetRegScheme Method—Retrieves Registration Scheme Object

The GetRegScheme method retrieves the specified registration scheme object.


The GetRegScheme method has the following format:



The GetRegScheme method accepts the following parameter:

schemeName (string)

Specifies the name of the registration scheme to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetRegScheme method returns one of the following values:

GetSAMLAffiliation Method—Retrieves SAML 2.0 Affiliation Object

The GetSAMLAffiliation method retrieves the specified SAML 2.0 affiliation object.


The GetSAMLAffiliation method has the following format:



The GetSAMLAffiliation method accepts the following parameter:

affilName (string)

Specifies the name or OID of the SAML affiliation to retrieve.

Note: When an OID is specified, it can be prefixed with the "@" character.

Return Value

The GetSAMLAffiliation method returns one of the following values:

GetSAMLAffiliationById Method—Retrieves SAML 2.0 Affiliation Object by ID

The GetSAMLAffiliationById method retrieves the SAML 2.0 affiliation object specified by the affiliation ID passed to the method.


The GetSAMLAffiliationById method has the following format:



The GetSAMLAffiliationById method accepts the following parameter:

affilID (string)

Specifies the affiliation ID of the SAML affiliation to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetSAMLAffiliationById method returns one of the following values:

GetSharedSecretPolicy Method—Retrieves Shared Secret Policy Object

The GetSharedSecretPolicy method retrieves the specified shared secret rollover policy object. Because each policy store domain can have only one shared secret rollover policy, there is no need to pass the name of the policy to this method.


The GetSharedSecretPolicy method has the following format:



The GetSharedSecretPolicy method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetSharedSecretPolicy method returns the following value:

GetTrustedHost Method—Retrieves Trusted Host Object

The GetTrustedHost method retrieves the specified trusted host object.


The GetTrustedHost method has the following format:



The GetTrustedHost method accepts the following parameter:

thName (string)

Specifies the name of the trusted host to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetTrustedHost method returns one of the following values:

GetUserDir Method—Retrieves User Directory Object

The GetUserDir method retrieves the specified user directory object.


The GetUserDir method has the following format:



The GetUserDir method accepts the following parameter:

dirName (string)

Specifies the name of the user directory to retrieve.

Return Value

The GetUserDir method returns one of the following values:

GetVariableType Method—Retrieves Variable Type Object

The GetVariableType method retrieves the specified variable type object. To create a new variable object of the specified type, pass the resulting variable type object to the CreateVariable method in the varType parameter.


The GetVariableType method has the following format:



The GetVariableType method accepts the following parameter:

varTypeName (string)

Specifies one of the following variable type names:

SiteMinder Variable Types






TransactionMinder Variable Types






Note: Variable type names are case-sensitive and must not contain spaces.

Return Value

The GetVariableType method returns one of the following values:


You cannot create a TransactionMinder variable with the Command Line Interface. If you have TransactionMinder and the Option Pack installed, you can create TransactionMinder variables in the Administrative UI.

RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme Method—Removes Attribute from SAML Scheme

The RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme method removes an attribute from a SAML 2.0 authentication scheme.


The RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme(scheme, pSAMLRequesterAttr)


The RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme method accepts the following parameters:

scheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the SAML 2.0 authentication scheme from which to remove the attribute.

pSAMLRequesterAttribute (string)

Specifies the attribute to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveAttributeFromSAMLScheme method returns one of the following values:

SAMLAuthSchemeProperties Method—Sets or Retrieves SAML Metadata Properties

The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method sets or retrieves the SAML 2.0 metadata properties that reside in an existing SAML 2.0 authentication scheme. For a complete list of SAML 2.0 metadata properties, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateSAMLAuthScheme.


The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>SAMLAuthSchemeProperties(scheme, propsHash_ref)


The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method accepts the following parameters:

scheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the authentication scheme whose metadata properties are set or retrieved.

propsHash_ref (hash)

Specifies a reference to a hashtable of metadata properties to set or retrieve.

Return Value

The SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method returns one of the following values:


When the hashtable is empty, the SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method retrieves all metadata properties. You can define an empty hashtable as follows:


Then, you can reference the empty hashtable as follows:


Finally, you can pass the hashtable reference to the SAMLAuthSchemeProperties method through the propsHash_ref parameter.

WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties Method—Sets or Retrieves WS-Federation Properties

The WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method sets or retrieves the WS-Federation metadata properties in an existing WS-Federation authentication scheme. For a complete list of WS-Federation metadata properties, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateWSFEDAuthScheme.


The WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtSession‑>WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties(scheme, propsHash_ref)


The WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method accepts the following parameters:

scheme (PolicyMgtAuthScheme object)

Specifies the authentication scheme whose WS-Federation metadata properties are set or retrieved.

propsHash_ref (hash)

Specifies a reference to a hashtable of metadata properties to set or retrieve.

Return Value

The WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method returns one of the following values:


When the hashtable is empty, the WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method retrieves all metadata properties. You can define an empty hashtable as follows:


Then, you can reference the empty hashtable as follows:


Finally, you can pass the hashtable reference to the WSFEDAuthSchemeProperties method through the propsHash_ref parameter.

Shared Secret Rollover Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtSharedSecretPolicy objects:

Enabled Method—Sets or Retrieves Rollover Enabled Flag for Policy

The Enabled method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether the shared secret rollover policy is enabled.


The Enabled method has the following format:



The Enabled method accepts the following parameter:

enableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the enabled flag.

Return Value

The Enabled method returns the new or existing value for the enabled flag:


If the shared secret rollover policy is enabled, rollover must also be enabled for any trusted host whose shared secret needs to be synchronized with the rollover policy's shared secret. To enable rollover for a trusted host object, call the method PolicyMgtTrustedHost‑>RolloverEnabled.

RolloverFrequency Method—Sets or Retrieves Rollover Frequency for Policy

The RolloverFrequency method sets or retrieves the rollover frequency for the rollover policy. This value determines how often the shared secret is automatically updated in the time period specified by the method PolicyMgtSharedSecretPolicy‑>RolloverPeriod.


The RolloverFrequency method has the following format:



The RolloverFrequency method accepts the following parameter:

rollFreq (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the rollover frequency.

Range: rollFreq >= 1

Return Value

The RolloverFrequency method returns the following value:

RolloverPeriod Method—Sets or Retrieves Rollover Period for Policy

The RolloverPeriod method sets or retrieves the rollover period for the rollover policy. The rollover period can have one of four values: hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. The rollover period is used with the rollover frequency to specify how often the shared secret is automatically changed. For example, if the rollover frequency is two and the rollover period is weekly, then the shared secret is automatically changed every two weeks. To set the rollover frequency, call the PolicyMgtSharedSecretPolicy‑>RolloverFrequency method.


The RolloverPeriod method has the following format:



The RolloverPeriod method accepts the following parameter:

rollPeriod (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the rollover period.

Return Value

The RolloverPeriod method returns one of the following values:

Save Method—Saves Shared Secret Policy Object

The Save method saves the shared secret policy object to the policy store. Call this method once after making all changes to the shared secret policy object. You must call this method for the changes to take effect.


The Save method has the following format:



The Save method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Save method returns one of the following values:

Trusted Host Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtTrustedHost objects:

GetDescription Method—Retrieves Description of Trusted Host

The GetDescription method retrieves the description of the trusted host.


The GetDescription method has the following format:



The GetDescription method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetDescription method returns the following value:

GetIPAddress Method—Retrieves IP Address of Trusted Host

The GetIPAddress method retrieves the IP address of the trusted host.


The GetIPAddress method has the following format:



The GetIPAddress method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetIPAddress method returns the following value:

GetName Method—Retrieves Name of Trusted Host

The GetName method retrieves the name of the trusted host.


The GetName method has the following format:



The GetName method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetName method returns the following value:

GetSecret Method—Retrieves Shared Secret of Trusted Host

The GetSecret method retrieves the shared secret of the trusted host in clear text.


The GetSecret method has the following format:



The GetSecret method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetSecret method returns one of the following values:

RolloverEnabled Method—Sets or Retrieves Shared Secret Rollover Flag

The RolloverEnabled method sets or retrieves the shared secret rollover flag that specifies whether shared secret rollover is enabled for this trusted host.


The RolloverEnabled method has the following format:



The RolloverEnabled method accepts the following parameter:

rolloverEnabled (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the shared secret rollover flag.

Return Value

The RolloverEnabled method returns the new or existing value for the shared secret rollover flag:


If shared secret rollover is enabled for this trusted host, it must also be enabled in the PolicyMgtSharedSecretPolicy object in the policy store domain where the trusted host is registered. If shared secret rollover is not enabled in this object, call the method PolicyMgtSharedSecretPolicy‑>Enabled to enable it.

SetSecret Method—Sets Shared Secret of Trusted Host

The SetSecret method sets the shared secret of the trusted host.


The SetSecret method has the following format:



The SetSecret method accepts the following parameter:

sharedSecret (string)

(Optional) Specifies the shared secret to set for the trusted host.

Note: If no shared secret is specified, SiteMinder generates a random 128-byte ASCII shared secret for the trusted host.

Return Value

The SetSecret method returns one of the following values:


When you use this method to set the shared secret, you must also run the SiteMinder tool smreghost to define the new shared secret in the host configuration file. (The host configuration file is named SmHost.conf by default.) Run smreghost with the -sh option. For more information, see the method PolicyMgtSession‑>AddTrustedHost.

Note: You can schedule shared secret rollovers, so that they happen automatically. For more information about this feature, see the Policy Server Configuration Guide.

User Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtUser objects:

DisableByAdmin Method—Sets or Retrieves Disabled-by-Administrator Flag

The DisableByAdmin method sets or retrieves the disabled-by-administrator flag which specifies whether the user account is disabled by the administrator.


The DisableByAdmin method has the following format:



The DisableByAdmin method accepts the following parameter:

disableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the disabled-by-administrator flag.

Return Value

The DisableByAdmin method returns the new or existing value for the disabled-by-administrator flag:


User accounts can be disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

DisableInactive Method—Sets or Retrieves Disabled-by-Inactivity Flag

The DisableInactive method sets or retrieves the disabled-by-inactivity flag which specifies whether the user account is disabled because account inactivity exceeded the time allowed.


The DisableInactive method has the following format:



The DisableInactive method accepts the following parameter:

disableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the disabled-by-inactivity flag.

Specifies that the user account is disabled because of inactivity.

Specifies that the user account is not disabled because of inactivity.

Note: The user account can be disabled for other reasons. For more information, see Remarks.

Return Value

The DisableInactive method returns the new or existing value for the disabled-by-inactivity flag:


User accounts can be disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

DisableMaxLoginFail Method—Sets or Retrieves Disabled-by-Max-Login-Failure Flag

The DisableMaxLoginFail method sets or retrieves the disabled-by-max-login-failure flag which specifies whether the user account is disabled because the number of login failures exceeded the maximum allowed.


The DisableMaxLoginFail method has the following format:



The DisableMaxLoginFail method accepts the following parameter:

disableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the disabled-by-max-login-failure flag.

Return Value

The DisableMaxLoginFail method returns the new or existing value for the disabled-by-max-login-failure flag:


User accounts can be disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

DisablePwdExpired Method—Sets or Retrieves Disabled-by-Password-Expired Flag

The DisablePwdExpired method sets or retrieves the disabled-by-password-expired flag that specifies whether the user account is disabled because the password expired.


The DisablePwdExpired method has the following format:



The DisablePwdExpired method accepts the following parameter:

disableFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the disabled-by-password-expired flag.

Return Value

The DisablePwdExpired method returns the new or existing value for the disabled-by-password-expired flag:


User accounts can be disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

ForcePwdChange Method—Sets or Retrieves Force-Password-Change Flag

The ForcePwdChange method sets or retrieves the force-password-change flag that specifies whether to force a password change at the next user login.


The ForcePwdChange method has the following format:



The ForcePwdChange method accepts the following parameter:

forceFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to force a password change at the next user login.

Return Value

The ForcePwdChange method returns the new or existing value for the force-password-change flag.

GetClass Method—Retrieves User Class

The GetClass method retrieves the user class.


The GetClass method has the following format:



The GetClass method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetClass method returns one of the following values:

GetPath Method—Retrieves User Path

The GetPath method retrieves the user path. The user path is the distinguished name (DN).


The GetPath method has the following format:



The GetPath method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetPath method returns one of the following values:

SetPassword Method—Sets a New Password

The SetPassword method sets a new password for the user.


The SetPassword method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtUser‑>SetPassword(newPwd[, oldPwd])


The SetPassword method accepts the following parameters:

newPwd (string)

Specifies the new password.

oldPwd (string)

(Optional) Specifies the old password to change.

Note: If provided, this value must match the existing password in the user directory.

Return Value

The SetPassword method returns one of the following values:

UserPasswordState Method—Sets or Retrieves Password State Object

The UserPasswordState method sets or retrieves the password state object for the current user. Setting a new password state object updates the object's attributes with any changes that have been made. This method also clears the password history if specified by the empty-history flag.


The UserPasswordState method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtUser‑>UserPasswordState([pPwState][, emptyHistoryFlag])


The UserPasswordState method accepts the following parameters:

pPwState (PolicyMgtUserPasswordState)

(Optional) Specifies the new password state object to set.

emptyHistoryFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to clear the password history.

Return Value

The UserPasswordState method returns one of the following values:

ValidatePassword Method—Validates Password

The ValidatePassword method determines whether the user's password conforms to the password policy. Call ValidatePassword before calling the method SetPassword.


The ValidatePassword method has the following format:



The ValidatePassword method accepts the following parameters:

password (string)

Specifies the password to validate.

Return Value

The ValidatePassword method returns one of the following values:

User Directory Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtUserDir objects:

AnonymousIDAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Anonymous DN Name

The AnonymousIDAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory's anonymous user DN attribute. The DN, which is defined in the anonymous authentication scheme, gives anonymous users access to resources protected by the anonymous authentication scheme. You can use the AnonymousIDAttr method with LDAP directories and some custom directories.


The AnonymousIDAttr method has the following format:



The AnonymousIDAttr method accepts the following parameter:

anonIDAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the anonymous user DN attribute.

Return Value

The AnonymousIDAttr method returns one of the following values:

ChalRespAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Challenge/Response Name

The ChalRespAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory's challenge/response attribute. You can use the ChalRespAttr method with LDAP directories and some custom directories.


The ChalRespAttr method has the following format:



The ChalRespAttr method accepts the following parameter:

chalRespAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the user directory's challenge/response attribute.

Return Value

The ChalRespAttr method returns one of the following values:

Description Method—Sets or Retrieves Description of User Directory

The Description method sets or retrieves the description of the user directory.


The Description method has the following format:



The Description method accepts the following parameter:

userDirDesc (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new description for the user directory.

Return Value

The Description method returns one of the following values:

DisabledAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Name of Disabled Attribute

The DisabledAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory attribute that contains the user's disabled state. This method applies to LDAP and ODBC directories and some custom directories.


The DisabledAttr method has the following format:



The DisabledAttr method accepts the following parameter:

disabledAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the user directory attribute that contains the user's disabled state.

Return Value

The DisabledAttr method returns one of the following values:

EmailAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Email Attribute Name

The EmailAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the email attribute.

Note: This method is reserved for future use.


The EmailAttr method has the following format:



The EmailAttr method accepts the following parameter:

emailAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the email attribute.

Return Value

The EmailAttr method returns one of the following values:

EnableSecurityContext Method—Sets or Retrieves Security Context Flag

The EnableSecurityContext method sets or retrieves the user directory flag that specifies whether security context is enabled.


The EnableSecurityContext method has the following format:



The EnableSecurityContext method accepts the following parameter:

securityctxflag (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the user directory's security context flag :

Return Value

The EnableSecurityContext method returns the new or existing value for the security context flag:

GetContents Method—Retrieves All Users in User Directory

The GetContents method retrieves all users in the user directory.


The GetContents method has the following format:



The GetContents method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetContents method returns one of the following values:

GetNamespace Method—Retrieves User Directory Namespace

The GetNamespace method retrieves the user directory namespace.


The GetNamespace method has the following format:



The GetNamespace method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetNamespace method returns one of the following values:

IsSecure Method—Sets or Retrieves Secure Authentication Flag

The IsSecure method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether SiteMinder performs secure authentication for an LDAP or custom user directory. When this flag is enabled, SiteMinder authentication is secure and transmissions are encrypted. Enable this flag when using SSL.


The IsSecure method has the following format:



The IsSecure method accepts the following parameter:

secureFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether SiteMinder performs secure authentication:

Return Value

The IsSecure method returns the new or existing value for the secure authentication flag:

LookupEntry Method—Retrieves Users that Match Specified Pattern

The LookupEntry method retrieves the user or users in the user directory that match the specified search pattern.


The LookupEntry method has the following format:



The LookupEntry method accepts the following parameter:

srchPattern (string)

Specifies the pattern to match when searching for users in the user directory.

Return Value

The LookupEntry method returns one of the following values:

MaxResults Method—Sets or Retrieves Maximum Search Results

The MaxResults method sets or retrieves the maximum number of search results to return from a search of an LDAP or custom user directory.


The MaxResults method has the following format:



The MaxResults method accepts the following parameter:

nResults (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new number for the maximum results to return from a user directory search.

Return Value

The MaxResults method returns one of the following values:

Name Method—Sets or Retrieves User Directory Name

The Name method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory.


The Name method has the following format:



The Name method accepts the following parameter:

userDirName (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the user directory.

Return Value

The Name method returns one of the following values:

ODBCQueryScheme Method—Sets or Retrieves ODBC Query Scheme

The ODBCQueryScheme method sets or retrieves the ODBC query scheme for the user directory.


The ODBCQueryScheme method has the following format:



The ODBCQueryScheme method accepts the following parameters:

odbcScheme (PolicyMgtODBCQueryScheme)

(Optional) Specifies a new ODBC query scheme for the user directory.

Return Value

The ODBCQueryScheme method returns one of the following values:

Password Method—Sets or Retrieves User Password

The Password method sets or retrieves the user password for access to the user directory.


The Password method has the following format:



The Password method accepts the following parameter:

pwd (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new user password for access to the user directory.

Return Value

The Password method returns one of the following values:

PwdAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Password Attribute Name

The PwdAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory's password attribute.


The PwdAttr method has the following format:



The PwdAttr method accepts the following parameter:

pwdAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the user directory's password attribute.

Return Value

The PwdAttr method returns one of the following values:

PwdDataAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Password Data Attribute Name

The PwdDataAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory's password data attribute.


The PwdDataAttr method has the following format:



The PwdDataAttr method accepts the following parameter:

pwdDataAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the user directory's password data attribute.

Return Value

The PwdDataAttr method returns one of the following values:

RequireCredentials Method—Sets or Retrieves Whether Credentials Are Required

The RequireCredentials method sets or retrieves the flag that specifies whether SiteMinder is required to check user credentials.


The RequireCredentials method has the following format:



The RequireCredentials method accepts the following parameter:

credFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether SiteMinder is required to check user credentials:

Return Value

The RequireCredentials method returns the new or existing value for the require credentials flag:

SearchRoot Method—Sets or Retrieves Directory Search Root

The SearchRoot method sets or retrieves different values for different directory types:

LDAP Directories

The SearchRoot method sets or retrieves the location in the LDAP tree that is the starting point for the directory connection, for example, the organization (o) or organizational unit (ou). This location, called the search root, is the point where the Policy Server starts the search for a user.

Custom Directories

The SearchRoot method sets or retrieves a string of parameters to pass to the custom library.


The SearchRoot method has the following format:



The SearchRoot method accepts the following parameter:

srchRoot (string)

Specifies a new search root for an LDAP directory or parameter string for a custom directory.

Return Value

The SearchRoot method returns one of the following values:

SearchScope Method—Sets or Retrieves LDAP Directory Search Scope

The SearchScope method sets or retrieves the search scope for an LDAP user directory. The search scope specifies how many levels SiteMinder searches for users or user groups in the LDAP directory.


The SearchScope method has the following format:



The SearchScope method accepts the following parameter:

searchScope (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new search scope for an LDAP user directory:

Return Value

The SearchScope method returns one of the following new or existing values:

SearchTimeout Method—Sets or Retrieves Maximum Directory Search Time

The SearchTimeout method sets or retrieves the maximum time, in seconds, allowed for searching an LDAP or custom user directory.


The SearchTimeout method has the following format:



The SearchTimeout method accepts the following parameter:

maxTimeout (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new maximum time (in seconds) allowed for searching an LDAP or custom user directory.

Return Value

The SearchTimeout method returns one of the following values:

Server Method—Sets or Retrieves a Directory-Dependent Value

The Server method sets or retrieves a value. The type of value depends on the type of user directory, as follows:

LDAP and AD Directories

The Server method sets or retrieves the LDAP server's IP address and port number.

ODBC Directories

The Server method sets or retrieves the data source name.

WinNT Directories

The Server method sets or retrieves the domain name.

Custom Directories

The Server method sets or retrieves the library name.


The Server method has the following format:



The Server method accepts the following parameter:

server (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for one of the following types of directories:

Return Value

The Server method returns one of the following values:

UIDAttr Method—Sets or Retrieves Universal ID Attribute Name

The UIDAttr method sets or retrieves the name of the user directory's universal ID attribute. The universal ID is different from the user's login ID and is used to look up user information. This method applies to LDAP, ODBC, and WinNT directories and to some custom directories.


The UIDAttr method has the following format:



The UIDAttr method accepts the following parameter:

uidAttr (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the universal ID attribute.

Return Value

The UIDAttr method returns one of the following values:

UserLookupEnd Method—Sets or Retrieves User DN Lookup Endpoint

The UserLookupEnd method sets or retrieves the endpoint for a user DN lookup in an LDAP directory.


The UserLookupEnd method has the following format:



The UserLookupEnd method accepts the following parameter:

lookupEnd (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the user DN lookup endpoint.

Return Value

The UserLookupEnd method returns one of the following values:


Specifying values for the user DN lookup starting point and endpoint allows users to enter part of the DN string when authenticating. In the following example, the user only needs to specify the string "JSmith" and not the whole DN string when logging in:

UserLookupStart Method—Sets or Retrieves User DN Lookup Starting Point

The UserLookupStart method sets or retrieves the starting point for a user DN lookup in an LDAP directory.


The UserLookupStart method has the following format:



The UserLookupStart method accepts the following parameter:

lookupStart (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the user DN lookup starting point.

Return Value

The UserLookupStart method returns one of the following values:


Specifying values for the user DN lookup starting point and endpoint allows users to enter part of the DN string when authenticating. In the following example, the user only needs to specify the string "JSmith" and not the whole DN string when logging in:

Username Method—Sets or Retrieves Username

The Username method sets or retrieves the username required for accessing the user directory. Set the username only if the RequireCredentials method returns the value of 1.


The Username method has the following format:



The Username method accepts the following parameters:

username (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new name for the user.

Return Value

The Username method returns one of the following values:

ValidateEntry Method—Validates User Directory Entry

The ValidateEntry method validates a user directory entry.


The ValidateEntry method has the following format:



The ValidateEntry method accepts the following parameter:

path (string)

Specifies the path of the user or user group to validate.

Return Value

The ValidateEntry method returns one of the following values:

User Password State Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtUserPasswordState objects:

DisabledTime Method—Sets or Retrieves Time Object Was Disabled

The DisabledTime method sets or retrieves the time that the user object was disabled. The time is represented as the number of seconds that have elapsed since a particular instant in time that varies from system to system. One common representation is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 1/1/1970 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).


The DisabledTime method has the following format:



The DisabledTime method accepts the following parameter:

time (long)

(Optional) Specifies a new time for when the user object was disabled.

Return Value

The DisabledTime method returns the following value:

LastPWChangeTime Method—Sets or Retrieves Time Password Last Changed

The LastPWChangeTime method sets or retrieves the time that the user's password was last changed. The time is represented as the number of seconds that have elapsed since a particular instant in time that varies from system to system. One common representation is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 1/1/1970 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).


The LastPWChangeTime method has the following format:



The LastPWChangeTime method accepts the following parameter:

time (long)

Specifies a new time for when the user's password was last changed.

Return Value

The LastPWChangeTime method returns one of the following values:

LastLoginTime Method—Sets or Retrieves Last Login Time

The LastLoginTime method sets or retrieves the time that the user last logged in successfully. The time is represented as the number of seconds that have elapsed since a particular instant in time that varies from system to system. One common representation is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 1/1/1970 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).


The LastLoginTime method has the following format:



The LastLoginTime method accepts the following parameter:

time (long)

(Optional) Specifies a new time for when the user last logged in successfully.

Return Value

The LastLoginTime method returns the following value:

LoginFailures Method—Sets or Retrieves Number of Login Failures

The LoginFailures method sets or retrieves the number of times the user failed to log in since the user's last successful login.


The LoginFailures method has the following format:



The LoginFailures method accepts the following parameter:

count (int)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the number of login failures.

Return Value

The LoginFailures method returns one of the following values:

Variable Type Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtVariableType objects. PolicyMgtVariableType objects are read-only:

GetName Method—Retrieves Name of Variable Type Object

The GetName method retrieves the name of the variable type object. The variable type object is read-only. See the PolicyMgtSession‑>GetVariableType method for the list of variable type object names that GetName can return.


The GetName method has the following format:



The GetName method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetName method returns one of the following values:

WS-Federation Resource Partner Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartner objects:

AddAttribute Method—Adds Attribute to Resource Partner

The AddAttribute method adds an attribute to the WS-Federation Resource Partner.


The AddAttribute method has the following format:

Netgerity::PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartner‑>AddAttribute(attrNameFormat, value)


The AddAttribute method accepts the following parameters:

attrNameFormat (int)

Specifies one of the following attribute types:

Specifies an attribute value in one of the following formats:

Return Value

The AddAttribute method returns one of the following values:

AddUser Method—Adds User to Resource Partner

The AddUser method adds a user to the WS-Federation Resource Partner.


The AddUser method has the following format:



The AddUser method accepts the following parameter:

user (PolicyMgtUser object)

Specifies the user to add to the Resource Partner.

Return Value

The AddUser method returns one of the following values:

CreateIPConfigHostName Method—Creates Object Based on Specified Host

The CreateIPConfigHostName method creates an IP configuration object for the WS-Federation Resource Partner based on the specified host name. This method creates an IP address restriction for the assertion generation policy. With this address restriction, only assertions generated from the specified host are accepted.


The CreateIPConfigHostName method has the following format:



The CreateIPConfigHostName method accepts the following parameter:

hostName (string)

Specifies the name of the host where assertions must originate.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigHostName method returns one of the following values:

CreateIPConfigSingleHost Method—Creates Object Based on Single Address

The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method creates an IP configuration object for the WS-Federation Resource Partner based on the specified IP address. This method creates an IP address restriction for the assertion generation policy. With this address restriction, only assertions generated from the specified IP address are accepted.


The method has the following format:



The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method accepts the following parameter:

ipAddr (string)

Specifies the IP address where assertions must originate.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigSingleHost method returns one of the following values:

CreateIPConfigSubnetMask Method—Creates Object Based on Subnet Address

The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method creates an IP configuration object for the WS-Federation Resource Partner based on the specified IP address and subnet mask. This method creates an IP address restriction for the assertion generation policy. With this address restriction, only assertions generated from the subnet address are accepted. The subnet address is derived from the specified IP address and subnet mask.


The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartner‑>CreateIPConfigSubnetMask(ipAddr, subnetMask)


The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method accepts the following parameters:

ipAddr (string)

Specifies the IP address used to derive the subnet address.

subnetMask (unsigned long)

Specifies the subnet mask used to derive the subnet address.

Note: For more information about the subnet mask, see the method PolicyMgtPolicy‑>CreateIPConfigSubnetMask.

Return Value

The CreateIPConfigSubnetMask method returns one of the following values:

DeleteIPConfig Method—Deletes Specified IP Configuration Object

The DeleteIPConfig method deletes the specified IP configuration object.


The DeleteIPConfig method has the following format:



The DeleteIPConfig method accepts the following parameter:

IPConfig (PolicyMgtIPConfig object)

Specifies the IP configuration object to delete.

Return Value

The DeleteIPConfig method returns one of the following values:

GetAllAttributes Method—Retrieves All Attributes for Resource Partner

The GetAllAttributes method retrieves all attributes defined for the WS-Federation Resource Partner.


The GetAllAttributes method has the following format:



The GetAllAttributes method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllAttributes method returns one of the following values:

GetAllIPConfigs Method—Retrieves All IP Configuration Objects for Service Provider

The GetAllIPConfigs method retrieves all IP configuration objects for the Service Provider.


The GetAllIPConfigs method has the following format:



The GetAllIPConfigs method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAllIPConfigs method returns one of the following values:

GetAllUsers Method—Retrieves All Users Associated with Resource Partner

The GetAllUsers method retrieves all users associated with the WS-Federation Resource Partner. If a user directory is specified, this method only returns the users associated with the specified directory.


The GetAllUsers method has the following format:



The GetAllUsers method accepts the following parameter:

userDir (PolicyMgtUserDir object)

(Optional) Specifies only those users associated with the user directory.

Return Value

The GetAllUsers method returns one of the following values:

Property Method—Sets or Retrieves Resource Partner Property

The Property method sets or retrieves the value of the specified WS-Federation Resource Partner property. For a list of metadata properties, see the WS-Federation Property Reference in this guide.

Note: After modifying one or more properties, call Save to write the changes to the policy store.


The Property method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartner‑>Property(name, [newvalue])


The Property method accepts the following parameters:

name (string)

Specifies the property to set or retrieve.

newvalue (string)

(Optional) Specifies a new value for the Resource Partner property.

Return Value

The Property method returns one of the following values:

RemoveAtrribute Method--Removes an Attribute from a WSFED Resource Partner

The RemoveAttribute method removes an attribute from the WS-Federation Resource Partner.


The RemoveAttribute method has the following format:



The RemoveAttribute method accepts the following parameter:

attrName (PolicyMgtWSFEDRPAttr)

Specifies the attribute to remove.

Return Value

The RemoveAttribute method returns one of the following values:

RemoveUser Method—Removes Specified User from Resource Partner

The RemoveUser method removes the specified user from the WS-Federation Resource Partner.


The RemoveUser method has the following format:



The RemoveUser method accepts the following parameter:

user (PolicyMgtUser object)

Specifies the user to remove from the Resource Partner.

Return Value

The RemoveUser method returns one of the following values:

Save Method—Saves Resource Partner's Metadata

The Save method writes the WS-Federation Resource Partner's metadata to the policy store. To modify the metadata, call the PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartner‑>Property method. Then, call Save to save the changes.


The Save method has the following format:



The Save method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The Save method returns one of the following values:

WS-Federation Resource Partner Attribute Methods

The following methods act on PolicyMgtWSFEDResourcePartnerAttr objects:

GetAttrNameFormat Method—Retrieves Format of Attribute Names

The GetAttrNameFormat method retrieves the format of attribute names used with this WS-Federation Resource Partner.


The GetAttrNameFormat method has the following format:



The GetAttrNameFormat method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetAttrNameFormat method returns one of the following format values:

GetValue Method—Retrieves Attribute Value

The GetValue method retrieves the value of the WS-Federation Resource Partner attribute.


The GetValue method has the following format:



The GetValue method accepts no parameters.

Return Value

The GetValue method returns one of the following values: