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Import Method—Imports an Object from the Temporary Files

The Import method imports an object from the temporary files associated with the current instance of the data manager object. The object is imported to the data store.


The Import method has the following format:

Netegrity::PolicyMgtDataMgr‑>Import([cfgFileName] [, parent])


The Import method accepts the following parameters:

cfgFileName (string)

(Optional) Specifies the name of the configuration file. This file specifies information that is specific to the target environment (for example, IP address, domain, and suffix). If a file is specified in this argument, the import operation uses this file in place of the configuration file generated from the call to the PolicyMgtDataMgr‑>Export method (which contains environment-specific information from the source environment). Specifying a configuration file in the Import method call saves you from having to edit the configuration file with each call to the PolicyMgtDataMgr‑>Export method.

parent (...)

(Optional) Specifies the parent object to import into. The import mechanism will try to associate child objects with their respective parents if the parent is specified. If no parent is specified, the root is assumed. You can omit the parent object when importing high-level objects such as agents, administrators, and domains. But when importing objects such as realms, policies, and rules that are dependent upon other policy store objects, you must specify the parent object.

Return Value

The Import method returns one of the following values:


Before calling this method, call the PolicyMgtDataMgr‑>Export method to export the object into the temporary files.

You can set import flags by calling the PolicyMgtDataMgr‑>IncludeDependencies method or the PolicyMgtDataMgr‑>OverwriteObjects method or both before an import operation. A flag setting applies to the entire import operation.