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ClearText Method—Sets or Retrieves the Clear Text Flag

The ClearText method sets or retrieves the clear text flag.


The ClearText method has the following format:



The ClearText method accepts the following parameter:

clearTextFlag (int)

(Optional) Specifies whether to enable clear text input:

Return Value

The ClearText method returns one of the following values:


This flag determines whether to export passwords and shared secrets as encrypted data or as clear text. Administrator privileges are required to enable this flag.

Exporting encrypted data as clear text is required when exporting data for a target policy store with different encryption keys than the source policy store.

When you create a data manager object with the PolicyMgtSession‑>CreateDataManager method, this flag is initialized to 0 (do not output in clear text).

To set the clear text flag, call this method before calling the PolicyMgtDataMgr‑>Export method for the object. For a given instance of the data manager, a flag maintains its setting unless you reset it.