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Determine if Partnerships Require Federation Security Services

Do existing or planned business-to-business (B2B) partnerships require your organization to share resources securely with partners?

CA SiteMinder Federation Security Services lets you extend SiteMinder functionality to partner sites by enabling identity federation. Federated transactions between partner organizations let your enterprise:

Federation Security Services lets your enterprise generate, consume, or generate and consume assertions. Federation Security Services supports the following communication standards and protocols:

Note: Federation Security Services is separately licensed from SiteMinder. Contact your CA account representative for more information about licensing. For more information about Federation Security Services, see the Federation Security Services Guide.

If your organization plans on implementing Federation Security Services, use a table similar to the following to identify partners and the possible methods for enabling identity federation.













Determine if Advanced Encryption Standards are Required

Does your organization require the use of Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140–2 compliant algorithms?

The SiteMinder implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) supports the FIPS 140–2 standard. FIPS is a US government computer security standard used to accredit cryptographic modules that meet the AES.

The Policy Server uses certified FIPS 140–2 compliant cryptographic libraries. These cryptographic libraries provide a FIPS mode of operation when a SiteMinder environment only uses AES–compliant algorithms to encrypt sensitive data. A SiteMinder environment can operate in one of the following FIPS modes of operation.

Note: For more information about the cryptographic libraries SiteMinder uses and the AES algorithms used to encrypt sensitive data in FIPS–only mode, see the Policy Server Administration Guide. For more information about the FIPS modes of operation and which to use when installing the Policy Server, see the Policy Server Installation Guide.

If you are implementing AES encryption through FIPS-only mode, consider the following:

Important! An environment that is running in FIPS–only mode cannot operate with and is not backward compatible to earlier versions of SiteMinder. This requirement includes all agents, custom software using older versions of the Agent API, and custom software using PM APIs or any other API that the Policy Server exposes. Re–link all such software with the r12.0 SP3 versions of the respective SDKs to achieve the required support for FIPS–only mode.

Determine if Virtualization is to be Used

Will SiteMinder be implemented to a virtual environment?

Consider the following before implementing SiteMinder to a virtual environment:

Determine how to Manage Policy Servers

Should individual business units be responsible for managing Policy Servers? Or can a single business unit manage all Policy Servers centrally?

Local Policy Server Management

If individual business units manage Policy Servers and policy stores locally, consider that local Policy Server management:

The following illustration details two business units managing Policy Servers locally:

Graphic showing two business units managing Policy Servers locally

Central Policy Server Management

If a single business unit is to manage Policy Servers centrally, consider that central Policy Server management:

The following illustration details a single business unit managing all Policy Servers:

Graphic showing a single business unit managing all Policy Servers

Determine how to Manage Web Agents

If you have several Web Agents which will all be configured identically, then using an Agent Configuration object on the Policy Server will make managing your Web Agents easier. A single Agent configuration object can be shared among an unlimited number of Web Agents. Configuration changes made on the Policy Server are automatically applied to any Web Agents which use the configuration object.

Note: For more information, see the Web Agent Configuration Guide.