If you set the DEFAULT_POLICYSTORE_CHOICE parameter to true, then set the following:
Specifies the type of store that is to function as the policy store.
Valid values: LDAP and RDB.
Specifies an LDAP policy store.
Specifies an ODBC policy store.
(LDAP) Specifies the IP address or name of the LDAP directory server host system.
(LDAP) Specifies the port on which the LDAP directory server is listening.
Example: 1356.
(LDAP) Specifies the LDAP user name of an administrator who has permission to:
Example: cn=Directory Manager.
(LDAP) Lets you enter a cleartext password for the administrator of the LDAP directory server.
If you comment ENCRYPTED_POLICYSTORE_ADMINPW and uncomment DEFAULT_POLICYSTORE_ADMINPW, then the unattended installer uses the cleartext password from DEFAULT_POLICYSTORE_ADMINPW.
Default: The DEFAULT_POLICYSTORE_ADMINPW parameter is commented out after the initial Policy Server installation.
(LDAP) Represents the encrypted password for the administrator of the LDAP directory server. This password was entered the last time the Policy Server installer configured the policy store. You can use the existing encrypted value to provide the LDAP administrator password for the new policy store. This password cannot be changed.
Important! Do not modify this password. The password is encrypted. If you comment out the DEFAULT_POLICYSTORE_ADMINPW and uncomment ENCRYPTED_POLICYSTORE_ADMINPW, then the installer uses the encrypted password from ENCRYPTED_POLICYSTORE_ADMINPW.
(LDAP) Specifies the root DN of the LDAP directory server.
Example: o=example.com.
(LDAP) The DEFAULT_POLICYSTORE_ADMINDN parameter requires an LDAP administrator user name that has permission to create schema. By default, the Policy Server uses this account to manage the policy store. An alternate LDAP user account can manage SiteMinder data in the policy store after the policy store is configured. The alternate account must have permission to create, read, modify, and delete objects.
Valid values: true and false.
Specifies that an alternate LDAP user account is to manage the policy store after the policy store is configured.
Specifies that the LDAP administrator user account identified by DEFAULT_POLICYSTORE_ADMINDN is to manage the policy store after the policy store is configured.
(LDAP) Specifies the DN of the alternate LDAP user account.
Example: uid=SMAdmin, ou=people, o=security.com.
(LDAP) Lets you enter a cleartext password for the alternate LDAP user. If you comment ENCRYPTED_POLICYSTORE_USERPW and uncomment DEFAULT_POLICYSTORE_USERPW, then the unattended installer uses the cleartext password from DEFAULT_POLICYSTORE_USERPW.
Default: The DEFAULT_POLICYSTORE_USERPW parameter is commented out after the initial Policy Server installation.
(LDAP) Represents the encrypted password for the alternate LDAP user. This password was entered the last time the Policy Server installer configured the policy store. You can use the existing encrypted value to set the alternate administrator password for the new policy store. This password cannot be changed.
Important! Do not modify this password. This password is encrypted.
If you comment DEFAULT_POLICYSTORE_USERPW and uncomment ENCRYPTED_POLICYSTORE_USERPW, then the installer uses the encrypted password from ENCRYPTED_POLICYSTORE_USERPW.
(LDAP/RDB) Specifies if the Policy Server installer should initialize the policy store.
Valid values: true and false.
The installer initializes the policy store.
The installer does not initialize the policy store.
(LDAP/RDB) Lets you enter a cleartext password for the SiteMinder super user account (siteminder).
If you comment ENCRYPTED_SM_ADMINPW and uncomment DEFAULT_SM_ADMINPW, then the installer uses the cleartext password from DEFAULT_SM_ADMINPW.
Default: The DEFAULT_SM_ADMINPW parameter is commented out after the initial Policy Server installation.
(LDAP/RDB) Represents the encrypted password for the SiteMinder super user (siteminder). This password was entered the last time the Policy Server installer configured the policy store. You can use the existing encrypted value to set the SiteMinder super user password for the new policy store. This password cannot be changed.
Important! Do not modify this password. This password is encrypted.
If you comment DEFAULT_SM_ADMINPW and uncomment ENCRYPTED_SM_ADMINPW, then the installer uses the encrypted password from ENCRYPTED_SM_ADMINPW.
(RDB) Specifies the name of the DSN that the Policy Server installer creates.
(RDB) Specifies the IP address or name of the database host system.
(RDB) Specifies one of the following:
(RDB) Specifies the port on which the database is listening.
(RDB) Specifies the name of the database administrator account that has permission to
Specifies the type of database that is to function as the policy store.
Valid values: DB_MSSQL and DB_ORACLE.
Specifies a SQL Server policy store.
Specifies an Oracle policy store.
(RDB) Lets you enter a cleartext password for the database administrator.
Default: This parameter is commented out after the initial Policy Server installation.
If you comment ENCRYPTED_RDB_PASSWORD and uncomment DEFAULT_RDB_PASSWORD, then the installer uses the cleartext password from DEFAULT_RDB_PASSWORD.
(RDB) Represents the encrypted value of the database administrator password that was entered the last time the installer configured the policy store.
Default: This parameter is uncommented. The installer uses this value, unless you comment this parameter and uncomment DEFAULT_RDB_PASSWORD.
Specifies if the SiteMinder key store is to be collocated with the policy store.
Valid values: true and false.
The installer collocates the key store with the policy store.
The installer does not configure a key store. You configure a stand–alone key store after configuring the policy store.
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