Installation and Upgrade Guides › Web Agent Installation Guide › Install a Web Agent on a UNIX System › Install the Web Agent on a UNIX System › Run a Console Mode Installation on UNIX
Run a Console Mode Installation on UNIX
You can install the SiteMinder Web Agent on a UNIX system using the console mode.
Note: If you are upgrading an existing r12 Web Agent to r12 SP1, you must login as the root user. If you are installing a new r12 SP1 Web Agent, root privileges are not required.
To run a console mode installation on UNIX
- Exit all applications that are running and stop the web server.
- Ensure that the /tmp directory has at least 300MB of disk space available.
- Download the installation programs from Technical Support.
- Navigate to the directory for your operating system.
- Copy the appropriate binary file to a local directory then navigate to that directory.
Note: The binary files use the following naming conventions:
- ca-wa-version-operating_system.bin (for most versions)
- ca-wa-version-operating_system-processor-architecture.bin (for versions requiring a specific processor or architecture type)
- Open a console window, and check the permissions on the binary file. You may need to add execute permissions to the install file. For example:
chmod +x ca-wa-version-operating_system-processor-architecture.bin
- At the command prompt, start the console mode installation by entering:
-i console
The -i console command argument enables the installation to be run from the command line.
The installation prepares the files.
- Review the Introduction and press Enter to continue.
The installation prepares the License Agreement.
- Read the License Agreement, pressing Enter to read through the entire agreement.
- Enter Y to accept the agreement and continue with the installation.
- Review the Important Information section for information about the installation and documentation.
Press Enter to page through the notes and continue through the installation.
- In the Choose Install Location section, specify the location where the installation should place the Agent files. To accept the default location, press Enter.
If you specify a path, it must contain the word "webagent." If it does not, the installation program will create this folder and append it to the path. For example, if you specify export/ca/wa, the path becomes export/ca/wa/webagent. However, if you specify export/ca/sm_webagent as the path, the installation program will accept this.
- Review the information in the Pre-Installation Summary, then press Enter to continue. The program begins installing files.
- When the installation is complete, you will receive a message along with instructions on locating the Configuration Wizard.
- Press Enter to exit the installer.
- After installing the Agent, run the Agent Configuration Wizard to register a trusted host and configure the Web Agent.
More information:
Configurations Available for All Web Agents
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