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Run a GUI Mode Installation on UNIX

To install an Agent, you must be logged into the account where the web server is installed.

Note: If you are upgrading an existing r12 Web Agent to r12 SP1, you must login as the root user. If you are installing a new r12 SP1 Web Agent, root privileges are not required.

To run a GUI mode installation on UNIX:

  1. Consider the following before you begin:
  2. Exit all applications that are running.
  3. Ensure that the /tmp directory has at least 300MB of disk space available.
  4. Download the installation file from Technical Support.
  5. Navigate to the directory for your operating system.
  6. Copy the appropriate binary file to a local directory then navigate to that directory.

    Note: The binary files use the following naming conventions:

  7. Depending on your permissions, you may need to add executable permissions to the installation file by running the chmod command, for example:

    chmod +x ca-wa-version-operating_system-processor-architecture.bin

  8. Open a console window and from the local installation directory enter:


    The installation program prepares the files.

  9. In the Introduction dialog box, read the information then click Next.
  10. Read the License Agreement then select the radio button to accept the agreement. Click Next.

    If you do not accept the agreement, the installation terminates.

  11. Read the notes in the Important Information dialog box, then click Next.
  12. In the Choose Install Location dialog box, accept the default location or use the Choose button to select a different location. Click Next.

    If you select a non-default location then want to revert to the default directory, click Restore Default Folder.

  13. Review the information in the Pre-Installation Summary dialog box, then click Install.

    The Web Agent files are installed in the specified location.

  14. In the Install Complete dialog box, click Done.
  15. After installing the Agent, run the Agent Configuration Wizard to register a trusted host and configure the Web Agent.

More information:

Configurations Available for All Web Agents

Register Your System as a Trusted Host on UNIX