Installation and Upgrade Guides › Policy Server Installation Guide › Registering the Federation Security Services Administrative UI › Before You Register the FSS Administrative UI
Before You Register the FSS Administrative UI
Do the following before you register the FSS Administrative UI:
- (Internet Explorer) If you are using a supported version of Internet Explorer, add your domain as a trusted site before accessing the FSS Administrative UI.
Consider the following when adding your domain as a trusted site:
- Enter the full name of the server, including the domain.
Example: http://servername.domain-name
- If you are connecting to the FSS Administrative UI using a secured connection (https), you must include https when specifying the domain.
- If you are not accessing the Policy Server using a secured connection (https), you may disable the Require server verification (https) for all sites in this zone setting.
Note: For more information about adding a domain as a trusted site, see the Internet Explorer documentation.
- (Netscape Communicator) If you are using a supported version Netscape Communicator, you can reduce the time the FSS Administrative UI takes to load by copying FSS Administrative UI sm_admin_noswing.jar file to the directory where the Netscape Java classes are located. The sm_admin_noswing.jar file is located in policy_server_home\admin.
- policy_server_home
Specifies the Policy Server installation location.
Note: For more information about where Netscape Java classes are located, see your Netscape documentation.
- (Windows) When launching the FSS Administrative UI, the URL assumes that you are running the Web server at the default port 80. If the Web server is not running on the default port, or if you change the Web server port, modify the FSS Administrative UI shortcut in the Start menu before accessing the FSS Administrative UI.
- Accessing the FSS Administrative UI locally reduces the time it takes to load. If you access the FSS Administrative UI from Internet Explorer, the FSS Administrative UI files, which are stored in, are automatically stored in Internet Explorer’s cache.
Note: For a list of supported CA and third-party components, refer to the SiteMinder r12.0 SP3 Platform Support Matrix on the Technical Support site.
More information:
Locate the Platform Support Matrix
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