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Upgrade an r6.x Session Server

The r12.0 SP3 session server schema has not changed from r6.0 SP5. If you have an r6.0 SP5 session server or later, you do not have to upgrade the schema.

Note: For more information about importing the session store schema, see the Policy Server Installation Guide.

To upgrade the Session Server import one of the following .sql schema scripts into the existing session store database. The following scripts are located in policy_server_home\db\SQL:


Specifies the Policy Server installation path.

Note: If you are trying to configure or upgrade a SiteMinder store listed in the SiteMinder Platform Support Matrix and cannot find the procedures in this guide, see the Directory Configuration Guide.

Upgrade an r6.x Audit Log Database

Using the iRecorder for SiteMinder, Security Command Center (SCC) can read security-related logging data from a SiteMinder SQL Server or Oracle logs database.

Note: For more information about the iRecorder for SiteMinder, see the eTrust Audit iRecorder Reference Guide. For more information about importing the audit log schema, see the Policy Server Installation Guide.

The integration requires that you upgrade the schema for the audit log database by importing the sm_mssql_logs_eaudit_upgrade.sql script or sm_oracle_logs_eaudit_upgrade.sql script, which are located in policy_server_home\db\SQL. Import this script only if you are integrating SiteMinder with SCC.


Specifies the Policy Server installation path.

Note: The SiteMinder/SCC integration does not work with DB2 logging databases.

To upgrade the audit log database, import one of the following schema scripts into an existing SiteMinder audit log database:


Upgrades a SQL Server audit log database from r6.x to r12.0 SP3.


Upgrades an Oracle audit log database from r6.x to r12.0 SP3.

Note: If you are trying to configure or upgrade a SiteMinder store listed in the SiteMinder Platform Support Matrix and cannot find the procedures in this guide, see the Directory Configuration Guide.