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iGateway is a web server that runs as a Windows service or UNIX/Linux daemon process. Its purpose is to receive requests and send replies using the HTTP protocol. It also supports the HTTPS protocol for data protection against eavesdropping and tampering over the Internet. The format of request and reply is HTML and XML. The iGateway sends the requests using HTTP GET, HTTP POST, or SoapAction.

iGateway receives requests from any of the following sources:

The iGateway redirects these requests to its underlying web services called iSponsors. Based on the request, appropriate replies in XML or HTML format are built by iSponsor and sent back to the requester using the iGateway.

All network communications use the TCP iTechnology port 5250. In a protected environment, open this port in the firewalls and border routers to permit iTechnology communications. This is similar to permitting HTTP traffic through firewalls (port 80).