Extend the CA Directory Policy Store Schema
You extend the policy store schema to store objects introduced by r12.0 SP3. The existing r6.x policy store schema has not changed.
To extend the CA Directory policy store schema
Note: The etrust.dxc file is installed with the Policy Server in policy_server_home\xps\db.
Specifies the policy server installation path.
Note: The etrust_schema.txt file is installed with the Policy Server in policy_server_home\xps\db. The schema.txt file is installed with the Policy Server in policy_server_home\eTrust.
Specifies the Policy Server installation path.
#CA Schema source "netegrity.dxc" source "etrust.dxc"
# cache configuration set max-cache-size = 100; set cache-attrs = all-attributes; set cache-load-all = true; set ignore-name-bindings = true;
Note: The DXI file is located in DXHOME\config\servers. The max-cache-size entry is the total cache size in MB. Adjust this value based on the total memory available on the CA Directory server and overall size of the policy store.
# cache configuration #set max-cache-size = 100; #set cache-attrs = all-attributes; #set cache-load-all = true; set ignore-name-bindings = true;
# size limits set max-users = 255; set credits = 5; set max-local-ops = 100; set max-dsp-ops = 100; set max-op-size = 200; set multi-write-queue = 20000;
Note: The default DXC file is located in DXHOME\dxserver\config\limits.
# size limits set max-users = 1000; set credits = 5; set max-local-ops = 1000; set max-dsp-ops = 1000; set max-op-size = 4000; set multi-write-queue = 20000;
Note: Editing the size limits settings prevents cache size errors from appearing in your CA Directory log files.
Important! The multi-write-queue setting is for text–based configurations only. If the DSA is set up with DXmanager, omit this setting.
Netegrity, SiteMinder, PolicySvr4
dxserver stop DSA_Name
dxserver start DSA_Name
Specifies the name of the policy store DSA.
The policy store schema is extended to store objects introduced by r12.0 SP3.
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