The Feature Selection section lets you set the following:
Determines if the Policy Server installer configures the OneView Monitor GUI on the selected web server.
Valid values: true and false.
The installer configures the OneView Monitor GUI.
Setting this value to true requires you to configure additional settings under OneView Monitor GUI and Web Servers.
The installer does not configure the OneView Monitor GUI.
Determines if the Policy Server installer configures the FSS Administrative UI, SiteMinder CGI scripts, and the OneView Monitor with a specified web server.
Valid values: true and false.
The installer configures the latter components with the specified web server.
Setting this value to true requires you to configure additional settings under Web Servers.
The installer does not configure the latter components with a web server.
Determines if the Policy Server installer configures SiteMinder SNMP support with the Policy Server.
Valid values: true and false.
The installer configures SiteMinder SNMP support.
Setting this value to true requires you to configure additional settings under SNMP.
The installer does not configure SiteMinder SNMP support.
Determines if the Policy Server installer configures a policy store automatically.
Valid values: true and false.
The installer configures a policy store.
Setting this value to true requires you to configure additional settings under Policy Store.
The installer does not configure a policy store.
Determines if the Policy Server installer does one of the following:
Valid values: true and false.
The installer creates an smkeydatabase or changes the password of an existing smkeydatabase.
Setting this value to true requires you to configure additional settings under SM key database.
The installer does not create or update a smkeydatabase.
If you set the DEFAULT_OVMGUI_CHOICE parameter to true, then set the following:
Specifies the JDK installation location.
(UNIX only) Specifies the name of the ServletExec instance.
Example: se-testmachine-60psGUI
Specifies the ServletExec installation location.
Example: C:\\Program Files\\New Atlanta\\ServletExec ISAPI or /export/NewAtlanta/ServletExecAS
(UNIX only) Specifies the port number of the ServletExec instance.
Example: 7676
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