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Event Plug-in (EP)

The Event plug-in is a DLL used by iControl to handle specialized tasks such as converting formats, applying filters, sending events to a database, and so on. Examples of the Event plug-ins include the following:

EPAudit Plug-in

When the EPAudit plug-in is configured, all events received by iControl are sent to the EPAudit plug-in to be delivered to the Router. Functions of EPAudit plug-in include the following:

EPUnicenter Plug-in

When the EPUnicenter plug-in is configured, all events received by iControl are sent to the EPUnicenter to be delivered to the Event Management component of Unicenter. Functions of the EPUnicenter plug-in include the following:

EPDebug Plug-in

When the EPDebug plug-in is configured, all events received by iControl are sent to the EPDebug to be delivered to any Debug Viewer running on the localhost.