To configure an Oracle database as a session store, complete the following procedures:
Note: If you are trying to configure or upgrade a SiteMinder store listed in the SiteMinder Platform Support Matrix and cannot find the procedures in this guide, see the Directory Configuration Guide.
Configuring a single Oracle database to function as a policy store or any other type of SiteMinder data store requires specific database information.
Information prefixed with (U) indicates that the information is only required if the Policy Server is installed on a UNIX system. This information is required when configuring Oracle data source for UNIX.
Note: Policy and data store worksheets are provided to help you gather and record information before configuring or upgrading a SiteMinder data store. You can print the applicable worksheet and can use it to record required information before beginning.
Required Information
Gather the following required information before configuring a supported Oracle or Oracle RAC database as a policy store or any other type of SiteMinder data store:
Example: SM Oracle Server Wire DS.
Note: Ensure the administrative account does not have the DB role. Audit-based reports will not return correct results if the administrative account has the DB role.
Oracle Database Information
Gather the following information only if you are configuring a supported Oracle database as a policy store or any other type of SiteMinder data store:
Oracle RAC Database Information
Gather the following information only if you are configuring a supported Oracle RAC database as a policy store or any other SiteMinder data store:
Example: In the following tnsnames.ora file, SMDB is the service name for the entire system:
SMDB= (Description = (ADDRESS = PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = nete_servername1)(PORT=1521 (ADDRESS = PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = nete_servername2)(PORT=1521) (ADDRESS = PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = nete_servername3)(PORT=1521)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes) (CONNECT_DATA= (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVER_NAME = SMDB)) )
Note: If you are using Oracle RAC 10g, determine the virtual IP address of each node in the system.
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