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Agent Installation Does Not Terminate When there is Insufficient Disk Space (26152)


If the InstallAnywhere program encounters an insufficient disk space warning when you try to install a Web Agent on a UNIX or Windows platform, the InstallAnywhere proceeds with the installation instead of exiting.


Ensure the installer has enough room to extract the installation files by doing the following tasks:

  1. Create an environment variable named IATEMPDIR
  2. Set the value of the IATEMPDIR variable to a folder/directory that has enough room for the installer to extract the files.
  3. Run the installation.

Note: This issue affects Web Agents installed on UNIX or Windows.

Upgrading a Collocated Policy Server and Web Agent

Valid on Windows


If a Policy Server and Web Agent are installed to the same host system, after you upgrade the Policy Server, the IIS web server fails to start and an error is logged in the Event Viewer.


Upgrade the Web Agent. The IIS web server starts after you upgrade the Web Agent.