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How to Uninstall the Policy Server

To uninstall the Policy Server complete the following procedures:

  1. Set the JRE in the Path System Variable.
  2. Shut down all instances of the Policy Server Management Console.
  3. Remove Policy Server References from Agent Host Files.
  4. Uninstall the Policy Server.
Set the JRE in the Path Variable

You set the JRE in path variable when uninstalling the Policy Server, Web Agent and SDK to prevent the uninstallation program from stopping and issuing one of the following error messages:

To set the JRE in the path variable

  1. Open the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Double-click System.
  3. Add the location of the JRE to the Path system variable in the Environment Variables dialog.
Remove Policy Server References from Agent Host Files

You remove the Policy Server reference from the SmHost.conf file to prevent unexpected results from the Web Agent once the Policy Server is uninstalled.

To remove the Policy Server reference

  1. Navigate to web_agent_home/config.

    Specifies the installation directory of the Web Agent.

  2. Open the SmHost.conf file in a text editor.
  3. Delete the line that begins with "policyserver=".

    Note: This line contains the IP address and port numbers for the Policy Server you are uninstalling.

  4. Save SmHost.conf.

    The SmHost.conf file no longer references the Policy Server you are uninstalling.