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Changes to the Cache Model

The cache model for SiteMinder r12.0 SP3 differs from the model for 5.x:

Windows Considerations

The following considerations apply to supported Windows operating environments:

DEP Error during Policy Server Installation


A Data Execution Prevention (DEP) error can prevent the Policy Server from installing on Windows 2008 SP2.


  1. Configure DEP for essential Windows programs and services only.
  2. Run the Policy Server installer.

To configure DEP for essential programs and services

  1. Right–click My Computer and select Properties.

    The System Properties dialog appears.

  2. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced tab opens.

  3. Under Performance, click Settings.

    The Performance Options dialog appears.

  4. Click Data Execution Prevention and select Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only.
  5. Click OK.

    A message prompts you to restart the system.

Note: After you have successfully installed the Policy Server, you can revert the DEP settings for all programs and services.

Windows Server 2008 System Considerations

For Windows Server 2008, the User Account Control feature helps prevent unauthorized changes to your system. When the User Account Control feature is enabled on the Windows Server 2008 operating environment, prerequisite steps are required before doing any of the following tasks with a SiteMinder component:

Note: For more information about which SiteMinder components support Windows Server 2008, see the SiteMinder Platform Support matrix.

To run SiteMinder installation or configuration wizards on a Windows Server 2008 system

  1. Right–click the executable and select Run as administrator.

    The User Account Control dialog appears and prompts you for permission.

  2. Click Allow.

    The wizard starts.

To access the SiteMinder Policy Server Management Console on a Windows Server 2008 system

  1. Right–click the shortcut and select Run as administrator.

    The User Account Control dialog appears and prompts you for permission.

  2. Click Allow.

    The Policy Server Management Console opens.

To run SiteMinder command–line tools or utilities on a Windows Server 2008 system

  1. Open your Control Panel.
  2. Verify that your task bar and Start Menu Properties are set to Start menu and not Classic Start menu.
  3. Click Start and type the following in the Start Search field:
  4. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

    The User Account Control dialog appears and prompts you for permission.

  5. Click Continue.

    A command window with elevated privileges appears. The title bar text begins with Administrator:

  6. Run the SiteMinder command.

More information:

Contact CA Technologies

Deploying SiteMinder Components

If you are deploying SiteMinder components on Windows 2008 SP2, we recommend installing and managing the components with the same user account. For example, if you use a domain account to install a component, use the same domain account to manage it. Failure to use the same user account to install and manage a SiteMinder component can result in unexpected behavior.