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How to Configure an Oracle Internet Directory User Directory Connection

You can use an Oracle Internet Directory (OID) user directory as a user store. The following process lists the steps for creating the user store connection to the Policy Server:

  1. Ping the User Store System
  2. Create the Organizational Unit in Oracle Internet Directory
  3. Configure the Oracle Internet Directory Connection
LDAP Referral Limitation for Oracle Internet Directory User Directory

LDAP referrals do not work when Oracle Internet Directory Server 10g (9.0.4) is configured as a user store and enhanced referrals are enabled. This is a limitation with OID.

Ping the User Store System

Pinging the user store system verifies that a network connection exists between the Policy Server and the user directory or database.

Note: Some user store systems may require the Policy Server to present credentials.

Create an Organizational Unit for an OID Directory

You can create an organizational unit for adding users to an OID directory.

To create an organizational unit for an OID directory

  1. Create an organizational unit under a domain using the ADD.

    Example: OracleSchemaVersion

  2. Select the organizational unit, and enter a Distinguished Name.

    Example: ou=people,cn=OracleSchemaVersion

  3. Right-click Entry Management, and select Create.
  4. Click Add on the Distinguished Name dialog, and select inetOrgPerson.
  5. Type the following on the Mandatory Properties tab:
  6. Specify the dn as: cn=user1,ou=people,cn=OracleSchemaVersion.