The Policy Server installer creates several Agent Configuration Objects for several supported web servers that contain default settings. These sample objects have names, such as IISDefaultSettings or iPlanetDefaultSettings. You can duplicate these default objects and use them as templates for your Agent configuration.
To create an Agent Configuration object
Important! Do not directly modify and use a default object. Always copy the object and then modify it.
Note: We recommend creating a new Agent Configuration Object by copying an existing object and modifying its list of parameters and their values. If you create a new Agent Configuration object without copying an existing one, you must enter all of your parameters and their values manually.
To create an Agent Configuration Object
The Create Agent Configuration: Search pane opens.
The Create Agent Configuration: Name pane opens.
Note: Click Help for descriptions of settings and controls, including their respective requirements and limits.
The Create Parameter group box opens.
Note: You cannot enter multiple values for encrypted parameters. A single encrypted value is displayed as a string of symbols on the Parameters group box.
The parameter is added to the list on the Parameters group box.
Note: Parameters are listed in alphabetical order by name. To edit a parameter on the list, click the right arrow. To delete a parameter from the list, click the minus sign. To add more parameters to the Agent configuration object, repeat Steps 4 through 7.
The Create Agent Configuration Task is submitted for processing.
When you configure an Agent Configuration Object, the following parameters must be configured:
Note: More information about these parameters exists in the Web Agent Installation Guide.
Configuring an IIS Web Agent requires that you configure the following settings in the Agent Configuration Object:
Note: If you plan to use the NTLM authentication scheme, or enable the Windows User Security Context feature, do not specify values for these IIS parameters.
Specifies the username of the IIS Proxy user.
Specifies the password of the IIS Proxy user.
The DefaultUserName and DefaultPassword identify an existing NT user account that has sufficient privileges to access resources on an IIS Web server protected by SiteMinder. When users want to access resources on an IIS Web server protected by SiteMinder, they may not have the necessary server access privileges. The Web Agent must use this NT user account, which is assigned by an NT administrator, to act as a proxy user account for users granted access by SiteMinder.
Configuring a Web Agent on a Domino server requires that you edit the following settings to match your system:
If the user is not in the Domino Directory, and they have been authenticated by SiteMinder against another user directory, this is the name by which the Domino Web Agent identifies that user to the Domino server. This value can be encrypted.
Ensures that all users successfully logged into SiteMinder will be logged into Domino as the Domino SuperUser. This value can be encrypted.
All Web Agents require that you specify a value for the DefaultAgentName.
Identifies the Agent identity that the Web Agent uses when it detects an IP address on its Web server that does not have an Agent identity assigned to it.
Default: the default Agent name is the name of the installed Web Agent.
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