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Add a Change Password Link to the Password Services CGI

The link to the Password Change Request form is:

<a href="/siteminderagent/pwcgi/smpwservicescgi.exe?SMAUTHREASON=
34&TARGET=<URL_of_Protected_Web_Page_After_Password_Change>">Change Password</font></a>

Where <URL_of_Protected_Web_Page_After_Password_Change> is the URL of a protected Web page to which users are directed after they change their password. For example,

Note: Adding this link to an unprotected page allows all users to change their own passwords. Protect the URL to which users are directed after they change their password; otherwise the password change fails.

In addition, SMAGENTNAME must specify when the FCCCompatMode is set to NO.

For example, when the value of the FCCCompatMode parameter is "NO", specify the SMAGENTNAME in your link. See the following example:

Change Password Link is:

"<a href="/siteminderagent/pwcgi/smpwservicescgi.exe?SMAUTHREASON=
34&SMAGENTNAME=$$SMAGENTNAME$$&TARGET=$TARGET$">Change Password</font></a>"