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Set the Web Agent Environment Variables After Installation

You can set the Web Agent environment variables after installing the Web Agent using the script Running the script for Web Agents installed on most UNIX platforms ensures that the Web Agent and web server can work together. The script sets environment variables required by the Web Agent.

The script has been enhanced to set the following environment variables:

To set the Web Agent environment variables after installation, source the following script after you install and configure the Web Agent:

. ./

You can list the script in either the user .profile file or envvars file. You must source this script if you are upgrading a Web Agent from v6.x QMR 1.

Note: You do not have to run this script for Oracle iPlanet web servers because this file as been added to the start script.

Set Web Agent Variables when using apachectl Script

You run your Apache server using the apachectl script (such as when running an Apache web server on POSIX). Adding a line to the apachectl script sets the environment variables for the agent.

Follow these steps:

  1. Locate a line resembling the following example:
    # Source /etc/sysconfig/httpd for $HTTPD setting, etc
  2. Add the following line after the line in the previous example:
    sh /web_agent_home/

    Indicates the directory where the SiteMinder Agent is installed.

    Default (UNIX/Linux installations): /opt/ca/webagent