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Allow IIS to Execute the Agent ISAPI and CGI Extensions

You must add certain ISAPI and CGI extentions to the IIS 6.0 web server and grant the server permission to execute them before configuring the SiteMinder Web Agent. These extensions will execute the Web Agent ISAPI and CGI scripts and other files.

To add the extensions and permissions

  1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, and then expand the web server you are configuring for the Agent.
  2. Double-click Web Service Extensions

    The Web Service Extensions pane appears.

  3. To add the ISAPI Web Agent extension, do the following:
    1. Click the Add a new Web service extension link.

      The New Web Service Extension dialog box opens.

    2. In the Extension name field, enter ISAPI6WebAgentDLL, and then click Add.

      The Add File dialog box opens.

    3. Click the Browse button, and then navigate to the ISAPI6WebAgent.dll file in the web_agent_home/bin directory. If the proper file does not appear, click the Files of type drop-down list and select either ISAPI dll files (for the .dll files) or CGI exe files (for .exe files).

      Indicates the directory where the SiteMinder Agent is installed.

      Default (Windows 32-bit installations of SiteMinder Web Agents only): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent

      Default (Windows 64-bit installations [SiteMinder Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64

      Default (Windows 32-bit applications operating on 64-bit systems [Wow64 with SiteMinder Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files (x86)\webagent\win32

      Default (UNIX/Linux installations): /opt/ca/webagent

    4. Click Open

      The path to the file appears in the Add File dialog box.

    5. Click OK.

      You return to the New Web Service Extension dialog box.

    6. Select the Set extension status to allowed check box.
    7. Click OK.

      The New Web Service Extension dialog box closes.

  4. Repeat Step 3 and add each of the following Web Agent files. Even though both files use the same name, you must add a separate extension for each because they are in different directories.