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Agent for IIS Troubleshooting Log


Is there an IIS 7.x log file that can help me troubleshoot the SiteMinder Agent for IIS?


Open the following log file:


This log file contains the following types of information:

Duplicate LLAWP Error Appears in Log File


My log file shows the following error:

Duplicate LLAWP


This error occurs when an application pool recycles. The application pool tries to start new LLAWP processes before the current LLAWP processes are fully shut down.

To prevent this error, configure the application pools in your IIS web server to disallow overlapping rotation. This setting forces the application pool to wait for the current LLAWP processes to stop before any new ones are started.

Note: For more information, go the IIS website and search for the phrase, "DisallowOverlappingRotation"

Custom Error Pages not Appearing

Valid on Oracle Directory Enterprise Edition (formerly Oracle iPlanet Directory Server Enterprise Edition)


I set either of the following configuration parameters, but users receive a generic error message from the server instead:


Specifies the location of a custom-error message file or URL that you want to display to the users if they try to open a URL that contains possible cross-site scripting characters.

Default: No default


Instructs the Web Agent to display a custom error page to users who encounter server errors. Specify a file path or URL for this parameter.

Default: No default


Do the following steps:

  1. Open the instance_name-obj.conf file on your web server.
  2. Locate the following line:
    AuthTrans fn="SiteMinderAgent"
  3. Add UseOutputStreamSize="0"to the end of the previous line, as shown in the following example:
    AuthTrans fn="SiteMinderAgent" UseOutputStreamSize="0"
  4. Save the file, and then restart the web server.