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WebAgent.conf file for Framework Agents

Along with the AgentConfigObject, HostConfigFile, and EnableWebAgent parameters, the following parameters are also added to the WebAgent.conf file of Framework Agents:

Important! You should not modify any sections of the file that refer to other SiteMinder products besides the Web Agent. You may, however, change the values of the Web Agent parameters in the file.


Specifies the location of the LocalConfig.conf file, where most of Agent configuration settings reside.


Identifies the web server directory (of Apache 2.0 and Oracle iPlanet web servers) to the Agent.


Specifies which plug-ins are loaded for IIS 6.0 and Apache 2.0 Agents. The plug-ins support different types of Agent functions. The following plug-ins are available:


Specifies whether the Web Agent operates as an HTTP agent.

Default: Enabled


Allows communication between the Web Agent and a SAML Affiliate Agent (if you have purchased Federation Security Services).

Default: Disabled


Allows communication between the Web Agent and a 4.x Affiliate Agent.

Default: Disabled.

Limits: The SAML affiliate agent does not use this plug-in.

To enable the other LoadPlugin entries, remove the pound symbol (#) from the beginning of the line.

More Information

Manage Web Agents with Multiple Web Server Instances

LocalConfig.conf File Locations (Framework Agents)

When you install a Framework Web Agent, the SiteMinder installation program creates a LocalConfig.conf file in the following directory:


web _agent_home\config


web _agent_home/config

Important! This file contains all of the default settings. Do not modify this file. We recommend creating a backup copy of this file for future reference or for recovery purposes.

When you configure the Web Agent, the configuration wizard copies the LocalConfig.conf file to the following directory:

IIS web server


Oracle iPlanet web server


Apache web server


The Web Agent retrieves its configuration settings from this copy of the LocalConfig.conf file.

Parameters Found Only in Local Configuration Files

For central Agent configurations, most of the parameters in the local configuration file are also in an Agent Configuration Object. The following parameters are used in the local configuration file only and are not found in Agent Configuration Objects:


Defines the name of an Agent Configuration Object (stored on a policy server) in a local agent configuration file. This parameter is not used in Agent Configuration Objects.

Default: no default


Activates a Web Agent and allows it to communicate with the Policy server. Set this parameter to yes only after you have finished changing all of the configuration parameters.

Default: No


Specifies the path to the SMHost.conf file (in an IIS 6.0 or Apache agent) that is created after a trusted host computer has been successfully registered with a Policy server. All Web Agents on a computer share the SMHost.conf file.

Default: No default

How to Edit an Agent Configuration File

The agent configuration file controls the settings of a locally configured Web Agent. To change those settings, use the following process:

  1. Create a backup copy of WebAgent.conf (for a traditional agent) or the LocalConfig.conf file (for a Framework agent).
  2. Open the original copy of the agent configuration file with a text editor.
  3. Enable or disable parameters by doing any of the following tasks:
  4. Change the values of parameters using the following guidelines:
  5. Set EnableWebAgent to yes only when you are done. Then save and close the file.

    All local configuration changes are effective. If you make more changes after an Agent has been enabled, restart your web server to apply those changes.