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API Overview

This section contains the following topics:

SiteMinder SDK Overview

SDK Installation

Custom Applications and Policy Server Extensions

Code Samples

Support for Custom Code

SiteMinder SDK Overview

The CA SiteMinder Software Development Kit (SDK) includes a set of documented application programming interfaces (APIs) that let you integrate and extend the capabilities of SiteMinder within your specific environment.

The following graphic shows how SiteMinder implements the APIs:

Graphic showing how SiteMinder implements the various APIs

The SiteMinder SDK includes the following APIs:

SDK Installation

The SDK is installed to the following location:

<install_path> refers to the installation path where you installed the SDK software.

Note: For information about the installed directory structure, see the SDK Overview. For SDK installation instructions, see the SDK Release Notes.

Custom Applications and Policy Server Extensions

Note the following points when you build custom applications and Policy Server extensions:

Code Samples

The SiteMinder SDK includes tested samples of C code for SiteMinder client applications and extensions. The source files for these samples are located as follows:

Support for Custom Code

CA supports the Software Development Kit (SDK) as part of the standard offerings. Code written by customers or partners, however, is not supported. You are responsible for the code you write. If you require assistance designing or implementing SDK-based code, contact your CA customer account team.