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Fix Modified UNIX/Sun Java System Web Server Configuration Files

As mentioned in the procedure for installing the ServletExec/AS on a UNIX/Sun Java System, we advise not allowing ServletExec to modify the Sun Java System Web server’s configuration files (obj.conf and magnus.conf). However, if ServletExec did modify these files during installation, the Web server instance fails after you configure the FSS Administrative UI and OneView Monitor GUI using the Policy Server installer/wizard. The ServletExec installer puts entries in these files that conflict with those from the Policy Server.

To keep the Web server instance from failing, remove the conflicting entries from the Sun Java System Web Server instance’s obj.conf and magnus.conf files.

  1. Open /<sunjavasystem_home>/servers/https-<web_server_instance_name>, and remove the first line:
    Init fn="ServletExecInit" <ServExec_instance_name>.instances="<IP_address>:<portnumber> "

    Specifies the name of your SerlvetExec instance.


    Specifies the IP Address of the machine where ServletExec is installed.


    Specifies the port number for the SerlvetExec instance.

    Note: The Policy Server Configuration Wizard added the correct entry at the end of the file.

  2. Open /<sunjavasystem_home>/servers/https-<web_server_instance_name>, and remove lines four and five from the top of the file:
    NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/servlet/*" name="<ServExec_instance_name>"
    NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="*.jsp*" name="<ServExec_instance_name>"

    Important! Do not remove the
    name="se-<ServExec_instance_name>" entries in lines two and three since these were added by the Policy Server Configuration Wizard.

  3. In the same obj.conf file, remove the second to the last <Object name="<ServExec_instance_name>"> section from the end of the file:
    <Object name="<ServExec_instance_name>">
    Service fn="ServletExecService" group="<ServExec_instance_name>"

    Important! Do not remove the
    <Object name="se-<ServExec_instance_name>"> entry since this one was added by the Policy Server Configuration Wizard.

  4. After saving these files, you should be able to start the Web server instance from the Sun Java System Web Server Administration Server page.
Windows/IIS Virtual Path to /sitemindermonitor Does Not Exist

Valid on Windows


The virtual path to the /sitemindermonitor does not exist under Default Web Site in the IIS Microsoft Management Console.


Create the virtual path.

To create the virtual path

  1. From the Start menu, go to: Programs, Administrative Tools, Internet Service Manager.
  2. Select Default Web Site.
  3. From the Action menu, select New, Virtual Directory.

    The Virtual Directory Wizard opens.

  4. Specify the name (alias) of the virtual directory. For example:

    Note: You can specify any name for the alias as sitemindermonitor is an example

  5. Click Next.
  6. Specify the path to <siteminder_installation>\monitor\.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the following permission:
    Allow Execute Access
  9. Click Finish.