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Configure a Database for the Session Server

The session server database is where the Policy Server Session Server stores persistent session data.

To configure a database for the session server

  1. Select Session Server from the Database drop-down list.
  2. Select an available storage type from the Storage drop-down list.
  3. Set the Enable Session Server option.

    If you are going to use persistent sessions in one or more realms, enable the Session Server. When enabled, the Session Server impacts Policy Server performance.

    Note: The Use Policy Store database option is disabled. For performance reasons, the session server cannot be run on the same database as the policy store.

  4. Specify Storage Options appropriate for the chosen storage type.
  5. Click OK to save the settings and exit the Console.
Configure the Session Store Timeout for Heavy Load Conditions

Under heavy load conditions, long-running queries necessary for session store maintenance tasks, such as removing idled–out or expired sessions, can timeout. Adjust the timeout for session store maintenance tasks (60 seconds by default), by increasing the value of the MaintenanceQueryTimeout registry setting. Increase the value so that the maintenance thread can complete its tasks successfully.

The MaintenanceQueryTimeout registry setting can be found at the following registry location:
