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Web Agent Option Pack on JBOSS 5.1.2 Requires Workaround to Operate (152769)


On a JBoss 5.1.2 server, system JARs are overriding application-specific JARs, such as those JARs for the Web Agent Option Pack.


Prevent the Web Agent Option Pack XML API files from being overwritten by JBOSS system JARS.

Important! This workaround only applies to JBOSS 5.1.2 and higher.

Add the following filter package in two places in the war-deployers-jboss-beans.xml file:

<property name="filteredPackages">javax.servlet,org.apache.commons.

The filter package allows the use of the Web Agent Option Pack XML API files instead of the JBOSS system files.

Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the war-deployers-jboss-beans.xml file located in the following directory:
  2. Find the following entry:
    <property name="filteredPackages">javax.servlet,org.apache.
  3. Change the entry to:
    <property name="filteredPackages">javax.servlet,org.apache.commons.

    This entry in the file is on one line.

  4. Find the second instance of the entry in step 2 and replace it with the entry in step 3.

    Add the filter package in both places in the XML file.

  5. Save the XML file.