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Items Stored in the Key Database for WS-Security Documents

The following gets stored in the key database:

A given Policy Server may sign and/or verify WS-Security documents. Keys and certificates for signing and validation can be added to the same key database, depending on what the Policy Server is doing.

The following table shows which objects you need to add to the smkeydatabase to handle WS-Security signing and validation requirements.


WS-Security Token Type

Required Database Objects



Private key and certificate of Web service host enterprise.

Generating X509 Tokens


Private key and certificate of Web service host enterprise.

Signature Validation

SAML Assertion; Sender Vouches

Certificate of issuing Web service consumer application.

SAML Assertion; Holder-of-key

Certificates of XML request subject and issuing Web service consumer application.

X.509v3; Username (if signed)

Certificate of trusted issuer.

You add items to the smkeydatabase using the SiteMinder utility named smkeytool. Read about the smkeydatabase and smkeytool before making modifications.