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Authentication and a Centralized Login Server

A SiteMinder deployment typically includes applications for which different authentication (login) requirements exist. These requirements can result in numerous login pages that the individual application owners must manage. Managing these login pages locally can introduce inconsistencies, such as page design and the presentation of error messages, that can affect the overall authentication experience.

We recommend managing login pages centrally to help:

Consider the following when configuring login pages:

Centralize Login Pages

Application login requirements can range from basic user name/password authentication to forms–based authentication to digital certificates. If possible, we recommend:

Note: For more information about authentication schemes, see the Policy Server Configuration Guide.

Managing login pages centrally is the process of identifying applications that share the same login requirements. Consider the following when configuring authentication:

Use a table similar to the following to group applications by authentication requirements:

Auth Scheme Name


Login Page Server

Login Page URL













Example: Grouping applications by authentication requirements

A SiteMinder environment protects ten applications:

Auth Scheme Name


Login Page Server

Login Page URL










Best Practices

Consider the following when configuring login pages:

Login Page Use Cases

The purpose of the following use cases is to get you thinking about configuring SiteMinder authentication.

These use cases reflect best practices and are intended to identify techniques that you can use as part of a global architecture. These use cases are not intended as a final architecture. Extrapolate the necessary infrastructure from these cases to configure login pages that best meet the needs of your organization.

Stand–Alone Login Page

In this use case, SiteMinder directs users to a stand–alone login page when they request a protected resource. Specifically:

The following diagram illustrates the authentication process for this use case:

Graphic showing the authentication process using a dynamic login page

  1. A user requests a protected resource.
  2. The Web Agent contacts the Policy Server, which determines that the resource is protected.
  3. The Web Agent redirects the user request to login.asp.
  4. The user submits invalid credentials. The credentials are posted to the login.fcc file and processed by the FCC.
  5. The FCC forwards the credentials to the Policy Server.
  6. The Policy Server determines that the credentials are invalid and notifies the FCC.
  7. The FCC inserts the SMTRYNO cookie into the web browser of the user and redirects the user to the login page.
  8. The login page refreshes with an error message. The error message states that invalid credentials were supplied and to try again.
  9. The user submits invalid credentials. The credentials are posted to the login.fcc file and processed by the FCC.
  10. The FCC forwards the credentials to the Policy Server.
  11. The Policy Sever determines that the credentials continue to be invalid and notifies the FCC.
  12. The user has exceeded the maximum number of failed authentication attempts and is redirected to a page that displays a failed authentication message.
Embedded Form on a Web Portal

In this use case, a form is embedded on a web portal home page. Users enter credentials in the form and are redirected to the protected resource upon authentication. Specifically:

The following diagram illustrates the authentication process for this use case:

Illustration of the authentication process using an embedded form in a web portal

  1. A user navigates to the web portal home page.
  2. The Web Agent contacts the Policy Server, which determines that the resource is unprotected.
  3. The user submits invalid credentials. The credentials are posted to the login.fcc file and processed by the FCC.
  4. The FCC forwards the credentials to the Policy Server.
  5. The Policy Server determines that the credentials are invalid and notifies the FCC.
  6. The FCC inserts the SMTRYNO cookie into the web browser of the user and redirects the user to the login page. The login page appears with an error message. The error message states that invalid credentials were supplied and to try again.

    Note: Although not illustrated, if the user accessed the protected resource directly, the login page would appear without an error message because the web browser would not contain the SMTRYNO cookie.

  7. The user submits invalid credentials. The credentials are posted to the login.fcc file and processed by the FCC.
  8. The FCC forwards the credentials to the Policy Server.
  9. The Policy Sever determines that the credentials continue to be invalid and notifies the FCC.
  10. The user has exceeded the maximum number of failed authentication attempts and is redirected to a page that displays a failed authentication message.