Previous Topic: Policy Server Component ConsiderationsNext Topic: SiteMinder Key Database Information

Policy Store Considerations

Consider the following before running the Policy Server installer or the Policy Server Configuration wizard:

More information:

ADAM/AD LDS Prerequisites

Configuring LDAP Directory Servers as a Policy or Key Store

Configuring SiteMinder Data Stores in a Relational Database

FIPS Considerations

The Policy Server uses certified Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 compliant cryptographic libraries. FIPS is a US government computer security standard that is used to accredit cryptographic modules that meet the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The libraries provide a FIPS mode of operation when a SiteMinder environment only uses FIPS-compliant algorithms to encrypt sensitive data.

You can install the Policy Server in one of the following FIPS modes of operation.

Note: The FIPS mode a Policy Server operates in is system-specific. For more information, see the SiteMinder r12.0 SP3 Platform Support Matrix on the Technical Support site.

Note: For more information about migrating an environment to use only FIPS-compliant algorithms, see the Upgrade Guide.

More information:

Locate the Platform Support Matrix

Gather Information for the Installer

The Policy Server installer requires specific information to install the Policy Server and any optional components.

Note: Installation worksheets are provided to help you gather and record information prior to installing or configuring Policy Server components using the Policy Server Installation Wizard or the Policy Server Configuration Wizard. You may want to print these worksheets and use them to record required information prior to running either wizard.

Required Information

Gather the following required information before running the Policy Server installer or the Configuration wizard. You can use the Required Information Worksheet to record your values.

More information:

Required Information Worksheet