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Migrate Legacy Administrator Permissions

If a Legacy Administrator must continue using the Administrative UI or Policy Server tools after configuring a connection to an external administrator store, migrate the permissions.

Important! External administrator authentication does not let a single Legacy Administrator account retain rights to the Administrative UI, Policy Server tools, the FSS Administrative UI, the Policy Management API, and Trusted Host privileges at the same time. If a Legacy Administrator must continue functioning in one or more of these roles, leave the Legacy Administrator unchanged. Be sure that the user is present in the external store and separately configure a new Administrator using the external user identity.

To migrate permissions

  1. Be sure that the administrator is present in the external store.
  2. Log into the Administrative UI using the external super user.
  3. Click Administration, Administrators, Administrator, Modify Administrator.

    The Search dialog opens.

  4. Specify search criteria using the full name of the user and click Search.

    Users matching the search criteria appear.

  5. Select the Legacy Administrator you want and click Select.

    The user path points to the policy store.

  6. Click Lookup in the Details group box.

    The Select a User dialog appears.

  7. Specify search criteria and click Search.

    Users matching the specified criteria appear.

  8. Select the user you want and click Select.

    The user path is updated to point to the external store.

  9. Click Submit.

    The Administrative UI authenticates the administrator using the external store. The administrator has the same level of access to the Administrative UI when the policy store was being used to store administrator identities.

Update External Administrator Store Credentials

If the credentials that the Administrative UI uses to connect to the external administrator store change, submit the new credentials to the Administrative UI or SiteMinder administrator authentication fails.

If you installed the Administrative UI using the stand–alone option, two utilities are provided for you:

If you installed the Administrative UI to an existing application server infrastructure, consider the following items:

More information:

Deploy a JDBC Data Source

Update Directory Server Credentials

Use the smjndisetup utility to update directory manager credentials.

Note: The smjndisetup utility can only update connection details that were configured using the Administrative UI. You cannot use the smjndisetup utility to create the connection credentials.

To update directory server credentials

  1. Log in to the Administrative UI host system.
  2. (UNIX) Stop the SiteMinder Administrative UI service.

    Note: For more information about stopping the SiteMinder Administrative UI service, see the Policy Server Installation Guide.

  3. Navigate to administrative_ui_home\CA\SiteMinder\adminui\bin.

    Specifies the Administrative UI installation path.

  4. Run one of the following commands:
  5. Do one of the following operations:
  6. Type the new password and press Enter.

    The utility verifies the credentials and prompts you to update the directory connection credentials.

  7. Type y and press Enter.
Update Database Credentials

Use the smjdbcsetup utility to update database user credentials in the JNDI data source.

To update database credentials

  1. Log in to the Administrative UI host system.
  2. (UNIX) Stop the SiteMinder Administrative UI service.

    Note: For more information about stopping the SiteMinder Administrative UI service, see the Policy Server Installation Guide.

  3. Navigate to administrative_ui_home\CA\SiteMinder\adminui\bin.

    Specifies the Administrative UI installation path.

  4. Run one of the following commands:

    The utility prompts you to enter a unique identifier.

  5. Enter the name of the deployed data source.

    Note: If you do not know the data source name, you can locate all deployed data sources in administrative_ui_home\SiteMinder\adminui\server\default\deploy.


    Specifies the Administrative UI installation path.

    The utility prompts you for the database user name.

  6. Enter the user name and press Enter.

    The utility prompts you for the user password.

  7. Enter the password and press Enter.

    The utility prompts you to verify the new data source credentials and verify that they can be updated.

  8. Type y and press Enter to confirm the new data source credentials.

    The utility updates the data source.

  9. Do one of the following tasks:

    Note: For more information about starting the SiteMinder Administrative UI service, see the Policy Server Installation Guide.

Modify the External Administrator Store Connection

Run the Administrative Authentication wizard again to change the external store to which the Administrative UI connects for administrator authentication.

More information:

How to Configure an External Administrator Store