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Configure Autosweep Using XPSConfig

In this use case, you configure XPSSweeper to run nightly at 10:00pm GMT. To do so, you set the following two XPS configuration parameters using XPSConfig:

To configure Autosweep using XPSConfig

  1. Open a command prompt on the machine hosting the Policy Server.
  2. Enter the following command:

    The Products Menu opens and lists the products.

  3. Enter XPS for Extensible Policy Store.

    The Parameters Menu opens and lists the XPS parameters.

  4. Enter 7 for Autosweep.

    The Autosweep Parameter Menu opens.

  5. Verify that the Autosweep value is set to TRUE or enter C to Change the value to TRUE.

    Note: This step specifies running XPSSweeper according to the Autosweep Schedule.

  6. Enter Q to exit the Autosweep Menu and return to the Parameters Menu.
  7. Enter 8 for AutosweepSchedule.

    The AutosweepSchedule Parameter Menu opens.

  8. Enter C to Change the value of the AutosweepSchedule parameter.
  9. Enter 22:00 for the New Value.

    Note: This step specifies running XPSSweeper nightly at 10:00pm GMT.

  10. Enter Q three times to exit the AutosweepSchedule Menu, Parameters Menu, and Products Menu and return to the command prompt.

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