Full logoff uses a custom logoff page that you create along with the following parameter:
Enables full log off and specifies the location of a custom web page on your web server that appears to users after they are successfully logged off. You must configure this page so that it cannot be stored in a browser cache. Otherwise, a browser may display a logoff page from its cache without logging the user off. This may give an unauthorized user an opportunity to assume control of a session.
Note: When the CookiePath parameter is set, the value of the LogOffUri parameter must point to the same cookie path. For example, if the value of your CookiePath parameter is set to example.com, then your LogOffUri must point to example.com/logoff.html
Default: No default
Limits: Do not use a fully qualified URL.You must use a relative URI.
Example: /Web pages/logoff.html
To configure full logoff
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
Important! Meta tags may not always work with an Internet Explorer browser. In this case, use a cache-control HTTP header.
Full logoff is configured.
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