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Customize the Cache-Control and ExpireForProxy Header Settings

You can customize the cache-control and ExpireForProxy headers to secure Web resources without affecting in-place activation of application files (.doc, .pdf, and so on). You can set specific HTTP headers for the following types of content independently to further characterize the data handled by the proxy server:

Important! We recommend using the default settings unless you are familiar with the ramifications of changing these settings in accordance with RFC 2068. If you plan to change the default settings, note that the SiteMinder session cookie is updated on access of an unprotected page once a user has a session in order to track idle timeout. Therefore, unprotected pages should not be cached on a proxy that caches HTTP headers.

The following characteristics apply to setting headers to prevent caching by proxies:

All parameters should be configured using multi-value strings to suit the use of multiple headers, such as cache-control: private and cache-control: max-age=60.

The following is the new configuration:

  1. ProxyHeadersDefaultTime - defaults to 60 seconds
  2. ProxyHeadersTimeoutPercentage – defaults to 10 percent
  3. Auto-authorized resources:
  4. Unprotected content:
  5. Protected content:

When configuring multiple headers, (for example, the cache-control headers in the suggested setting for unprotected HTTP/1.1 content), note the following:

If you do not configure the Web Agent to set the appropriate cache expiration headers when a user accesses unprotected resources, then by default, the Web Agent will not set these headers, thereby allowing a proxy (or browser) to cache an SMSESSION cookie. This cached cookie can be re-used by the proxy (or browser) after the user has initiated a different session (and therefore a different user context), causing an unauthorized impersonation.

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