If a Web Agent will be installed behind a proxy server, you can configure the Web Agent to work with proxy servers using the following parameters:
Instructs the Web Agent for the destination server to trust the authorizations made by the proxy server. This is more efficient because the Web Agent for the destination server does not need to reauthorize users.
Default: No
Prevents a forward proxy server from caching content (pages and potentially headers or cookies). When this parameter is set to yes (enabled), the Web Agent inserts an Expires or Cache-control header into the HTTP response. If content is not cached, subsequent requests continue to be forwarded.
When the ExpireForProxy parameter is set to yes, the Web Agent inserts the strings specified in the appropriate ProxyHeaderssuffix parameter into the HTTP response based upon what type of request was performed.
The Web Agent adds strings into the HTTP responses as follows:
Default: No
Note: This parameter applies to proxy servers only.
To tell the proxy not to cache the pages, the Web Agent adds an Expires header for the page. This header is set to a date in the past, which prevents the page from being cached by a proxy, as dictated by the HTTP 1.0 specification. On 302 redirects, a cache-control: no-cache header is set instead. Although this prevents caching of content, this has the negative consequence of affecting the browsing experience for an Internet Explorer (IE) browser, as described by Microsoft Support.
With the use of cache-control: no-cache for 302 redirects, the ActiveX component that manages in-place document viewing in IE relies on the browser's cache to locate the file. Because this header instructs the browser not to cache the file, the ActiveX component cannot locate the file and fails to display the request properly. Further, when you set the Web Agent's ExpireForProxy setting to yes, the back-end server tells the proxy not to cache the resource.
To configure Agents that sit behind proxy servers
The Agents behind the proxy servers are configured.
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