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Track User Activities or Application Usage with Auditing

You can you can measure how often applications on your web site are used, or track user activities with auditing. Auditing is controlled with the following parameter:

Both the Policy Server and Web Agent audit user activity. The Web Agent sends a message to the Accounting service each time a user is authorized from cache to access resources. This action ensures that the Accounting service is tracking successful authorizations for the Web Agent and the Policy Server. If the Web Agent cannot successfully send an audit message to the Accounting service for an authorization, access to the resource is denied. You can then run a SiteMinder activity report from the Administrative UI. The reports from the Policy Server show user activity for each SiteMinder session.

Note: For more information, see the Policy Server documentation.

To track user activity or application usage with auditing, set the value of the EnableAuditing parameter to yes.

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