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Transaction IDs

The Web Agent generates a unique transaction ID for each successful user authorization request. The Agent adds the ID to the HTTP header. The ID is also recorded in the following logs:

You can track user activities for a given application using the transaction ID.

Note: For more information, see the Policy Server documentation.

The transaction ID appears in the log as a mock query parameter in the log that is appended to the end of an existing query string. The following example shows transaction ID (in bold) appended to a query string (which ends with STATE=MA):, user1, 2/11/00, 15:30:10, W3SVC, MYSERVER,, 26844, 47, 101, 400, 123, GET, /realm/index.html, STATE=MA&SMTRANSACTIONID=0c01a8c0-01f0-38a47152-01ad-02714ae1

If no query parameters are in the URL, the Agent adds the transaction ID at the end of the web server log entry. For example:, user1, 2/11/00, 15:30:10, W3SVC, MYSERVER,, 26844, 47, 101, 400, 123, GET, /realma/index.html, SMTRANSACTIONID=0c01a8c0-01f0-38a47152-01ad-02714ae1.

Note: Web Agents log user names and access information in native web server log files when users access resources.

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