With single sign-on, authenticated users of one realm can access a resource in another realm without re-authenticating as long as the second realm is protected by an authentication scheme with an equal or lower protection level. If a user tries to access a resource protected by an authentication scheme with a higher protection level, SiteMinder prompts the user to re-enter their credentials.
SiteMinder lets administrators assign protection levels to authentication schemes with the Administrative UI. Protection levels range from 1 through 20, with 1 being the least secure and 20 being the most secure. These protection levels enable administrators to implement authentication schemes with an additional measure of security and flexibility for a single sign-on environment.
For example, a set of resources that is available to all users has a Basic authentication scheme with a protection level of 1. Another set of resources that should only be available to corporate executives, uses an X.509 certificate scheme with a protection level of 15. If a user authenticates with the Basic theme, then tries to access the resources protected by a certificate scheme, they will be required to re-authenticate.
Note: For more information, see the Policy Server documentation.
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