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Single Sign-On Across Multiple Cookie Domains

SiteMinder implements single sign-on across multiple cookie domains using a SiteMinder Web Agent configured as a cookie provider.

The cookie domain where the cookie provider Web Agent resides is named the cookie provider domain. All the other Web Agents from the other cookie domains within the single sign-on environment, point to one cookie provider.

SiteMinder cookie providers work using the following process:

  1. A user requests a protected resource in a domain within the single sign-on environment, and is challenged for credentials.
  2. When the user is authenticated, the following cookies are set in the user's browser:
  3. The user can navigate between the domains in the single sign-on environment without being rechallenged until either of the following events occur:

Will the Web Agents in your single sign-on environment need to be load-balanced?

Because all Web Agents in an SSO environment must refer to a single cookie provider domain, add a load-balancer between the web servers in your cookie provider domain and the other cookie domains in your SSO environment as shown in the following illustration:

Multiple Domains in an SSO Environment Using a Load Balancer  In Front of the Domain Hosting the Cookie Provider

The Web Agent in the cookie domain points and the Web Agent in the cookie domain both point to the same cookie provider domain of A load-balancer distributes the traffic evenly between all the web servers in the cookie provider domain.

Note: SSO across multiple cookie domains does not require that the same user directory be used across the SSO environment. However, if you are using replicated user directories with non-replicated policy stores, the user directory must be named identically for all policy stores. Also, the session ticket key, which encrypts session tickets, must be the same for all key stores in the SSO environment. The session ticket determines the duration of a valid user session.

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