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Deploy a Federation Web Services WAR File in WebSphere

To deploy a FWS WAR file on Machine 2 and Machine 5:

  1. Create a WAR file of the Federation Web Services application. The application is installed in:


    For instructions on creating a WAR file, see WebSphere's documentation.

  2. Deploy the WAR file using WebSphere Administrator's Console.

    For instructions, see WebSphere's documentation.

    Important! Any subsequent changes made to any of the properties files in the affwebservices directory requires you to re-create a WAR file and re-deploy this file in the application server.

  3. From the WebSphere Administrator's Console, go to Applications, Enterprise Applications.
  4. Select the name of the web services WAR file, such as affwebservices_war.
  5. On the Configuration tab:
    1. Set the Classloader Mode to PARENT_FIRST.
    2. Set WAR Classloader Policy to Application.
    3. Save the settings.
  6. Test that the Federation Web Services application is working by opening a Web browser and entering:


    where fqhn is the fully-qualified host name and port_number is the port number of the server where the Federation Web Services application is installed.

    For example:

    If Federation Web Services is operating correctly, you should see a message that reads:

    Assertion Retrieval Service has been successfully initialized.
    The requested servlet accepts only HTTP POST requests.

    This message indicates that Federation Web Services is listening for data activity. If Federation Web Services is not operating correctly, you will get a message that the Assertion Retrieval Service has failed. In case of failure, check the Federation Web Services log.

Note: For instructions on enabling trace logging for the FWS application, see Federation Security Services Trace Logging.

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